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从 AJAX 向 python flask 发送数据的问题

[英]Issue with sending data to python flask from AJAX

I am not able to retrieve data field of AJAX in python flask.我无法在 python flask 中检索 AJAX 的数据字段。 Its shows type error when I try to retrieve data.当我尝试检索数据时,它显示类型错误。 type and forwho are of array type. typeforwho是数组类型。 When I alert them in AJAX it works.当我在 AJAX 中提醒他们时,它可以工作。 Here is my code,这是我的代码,

// Ajax

    url: '/products',
    data: JSON.stringify({'type':type,'forwho': forwho}),
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    type: 'POST',
    success: function(response){
    error: function(error){
# app.py

@app.route('/products', methods =['POST', 'GET'])
def all_products():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        print("inside all products post")
        type = json.loads(request.form.get('type'))
        forwho = json.loads(request.form.getlist('forwho'))

when I print print(request.args.get('typearr')) in all_products() it returns None当我在 all_products() 中打印 print(request.args.get('typearr')) 它返回 None

type =request.json['type']
forwho = request.json['forwho']


Flask automatically parses JSON when having application/JSON in your request.当您的请求中有应用程序/JSON 时,Flask 会自动解析 JSON。

This solution finally worked for me.这个解决方案终于对我有用。

ajax: ajax:

       data: JSON.stringify({'typearr':type,'forwho':forwho})

#import ast
        data = request.get_data()
        data = ast.literal_eval(data.decode("UTF-8"))
        typearr = data['typearr']
        forwho = data['forwho']

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