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Common LISP 中出现奇怪的“EVAL:未定义 function T”错误

[英]Weird “EVAL: undefined function T” error in Common LISP

I'm writing a function in Common Lisp, but I'm getting this error I mentioned in the title.我在 Common Lisp 中写了一个 function,但是我收到了我在标题中提到的这个错误。

(defun sample (graph-id vertices)
        ((null vertices) nil)
                    (gethash (list graph-id (first vertices)) *keys*)
                (sample graph-id (rest vertices))))))

In particular, when the compiler reaches the (gethash (list graph-id (first vertices)) *vertex-keys*) line, if I swap graph-id (first vertices) with (first vertices) graph-id , the error disappears.特别是,当编译器到达(gethash (list graph-id (first vertices)) *vertex-keys*)行时,如果我将graph-id (first vertices)(first vertices) graph-id交换,错误就会消失. It also disappears if I use second , third or any other nth functions rather than first , I can't understand why it happens.如果我使用secondthird或任何其他nth函数而不是first ,它也会消失,我不明白为什么会发生。 vertices is a list like (AB C DEF) vertices是一个类似(AB C DEF)的列表

I feel like your problem is related to how you construct the hash table *key*.我觉得您的问题与您如何构建 hash 表 *key* 有关。 The way gethash works is, it uses the hash table's designated:test function (given during make-hash-table call). gethash 的工作方式是,它使用 hash 表的指定:test function(在 make-hash-table 调用期间给出)。

Now, given that you're setting a value to a key that's a list each time in the recursion, I doubt you'll add anything to your hash table if it uses default make-hash-table (which uses eql for testing), because each time your (gethash (list graph-id (first vertices)) *keys*) runs, the (list..) call creates a list that's never eql to any previous list.现在,假设您在递归中每次都为一个列表键设置一个值,我怀疑如果它使用默认的 make-hash-table (使用 eql 进行测试),您是否会向 hash 表添加任何内容,因为每次您的 (gethash (list graph-id (first vertices)) *keys*) 运行时, (list..) 调用都会创建一个与任何先前列表都不相等的列表。

If you haven't already, change your possibly:如果您还没有,请更改您的可能:

(defvar *key* (make-hash-table)) 

line to something like像这样的东西

(defvar *key* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) 

and things should work better.事情应该会更好。

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