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JPQL 外键查询

[英]JPQL query by foreign key

There are two tables PersonEntity and cityentity.有两个表 PersonEntity 和 cityentity。 PersonEntity in the database is linked to cityentity by the external key fk_cityid.数据库中的 PersonEntity 通过外部键 fk_cityid 链接到 cityentity。 I need to select all the records (names) of the PersonEntity table with the given CityId.我需要 select 具有给定 CityId 的 PersonEntity 表的所有记录(名称)。 Join is used everywhere for this, but in this case I don't need data from the cityentity table, only the name field of the PersonEntity table. Join 到处都在使用,但在这种情况下,我不需要 cityentity 表中的数据,只需要 PersonEntity 表的 name 字段。 Here is a description of the classes:以下是类的描述:

public class PersonEntity {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private CityEntity cityId;
public class CityEntity {
    private Long id;
    private String name;

Here is the HQL query:这是 HQL 查询:

public interface PersonEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<PersonEntity, Long> {
  @Query("select p.name FROM PersonEntity p where (p.name = :name or :name is null) " +
        "and (p.cityId = :cityId or :cityId is null)")
    List<PersonEntity> findByNameAndCity (
        @Param("name") String name,
        @Param("cityId") CityEntity cityId);

tried by id:通过 id 尝试:

@Query("select p.name FROM PersonEntity p where (p.name = :name or :name is null) " +
        "and (p.cityId.id = :cityId or :cityId is null)")
    List<PersonEntity> findByNameAndCity (
        @Param("name") String name,
        @Param("cityId") Long cityId);

In both cases, the error is: "the data type could not be determined".在这两种情况下,错误都是:“无法确定数据类型”。

options for calling the function:调用 function 的选项:

servisPerson.findByNameAndCity (null, cityId);


servisPerson.findByNameAndCity (name, null);

In fact, there are more than two parameters.其实参数不止两个。 I only show two for simplification.为了简化,我只展示了两个。

servisPerson.findByNameAndCity (name, age, ..., cityId);

Person entity should look something like this人实体应该看起来像这样

public class PersonEntity {
     private Long id;
     private String name;

     @JoinColumn(name = "city_id")
     private CityEntity city;

Than you can write your query like this比你可以这样写你的查询

List<PersonEntity> findByNameAndCityOrNameIsNullOrCityIsNull(String name, CityEntity city);

Spring Data JPA is so smart to generate the query for you under the hood. Spring 数据 JPA 非常聪明,可以在后台为您生成查询。

BTW, you attempted to write JPQL , not HQL .顺便说一句,您尝试编写JPQL ,而不是HQL

EDIT (reaction on comment about long method names):编辑(对长方法名称的评论的反应):

I would suggest to avoid creating JPQL query, because is is more error prone.我建议避免创建 JPQL 查询,因为它更容易出错。 If you don't like lengthy method name, you can wrap it into shorter default method within repository:如果您不喜欢冗长的方法名称,可以将其包装成存储库中较短的默认方法:

public interface PersonEntityRepository extends  JpaRepository<PersonEntity, Long> {
     List<PersonEntity> findByNameAndCityOrNameIsNullOrCityIsNull(String name, CityEntity city);
     default List<PersonEntity> shortName(String name, CityEntity city) {
         return findByNameAndCityOrNameIsNullOrCityIsNull(name, city);

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