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使用 Babel 编译 Node.js + TypeScript 应用程序:为什么它不使用可选链接?

[英]Transpiling a Node.js + TypeScript app with Babel: why it's not using optional chaining?

I am experimenting with Babel to understand better how it works.我正在试验 Babel 以更好地了解它是如何工作的。 I created a simple API with Node.js and TypeScript.我用 Node.js 和 TypeScript 创建了一个简单的 API。 Everything works fine when I transpile code and the server runs properly.当我转译代码并且服务器正常运行时,一切正常。 I have a question though: in node v14.15.3 optional chaining is supported, so why when I build with:不过我有一个问题:在节点v14.15.3中支持可选链接,那么为什么当我构建时:

rm -rf build/ && babel src --source-maps --extensions '.js,.ts,.tsx' --ignore '**/*.test.ts' -d build

no matter what version of node I'm running in the shell (by using nvm - v12.18.3 or v14.15.3 ) the following line无论我在 shell 中运行什么版本的节点(通过使用 nvm - v12.18.3v14.15.3 )以下行

console.log(x?.ciao ?? 10)

it's always transpiled to它总是被转换成

console.log((_x$ciao = x === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.ciao) !== null && _x$ciao !== void 0 ? _x$ciao : 10);

I would expect it to use .?我希望它使用.? and ???? in the transpiled code since they're supported.在转译的代码中,因为它们受支持。 What am I missing?我错过了什么?

I also tried to remove the @babel/preset-typescript preset and did a test with a single file, but yet the code is transpiled as above.我还尝试删除@babel/preset-typescript预设并使用单个文件进行测试,但代码已按上述方式进行转换。

My .babelrc file:我的.babelrc文件:

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-typescript", ["@babel/preset-env", { "shippedProposals": true }]],
  "plugins": [
        "root": "./src",
        "alias": {
          "@root": ["./"],
          "@src": ["./src"]
        "extensions": [".js", ".ts"]
  "sourceMaps": true

To make it work use "targets": { "node": 14 } as in the following .babelrc example.要使其工作,请使用"targets": { "node": 14 } ,如下面的.babelrc示例所示。 This will not transpile .?这不会转译.? or ??还是?? since they are supported in node 14.x.因为它们在节点 14.x 中受支持。

  "presets": [
        "targets": { "node": 14 }
  "plugins": [
        "root": "./src",
        "alias": {
          "@root": ["./"],
          "@src": ["./src"]
        "extensions": [".js", ".ts"]
  "sourceMaps": true

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