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如何使用 python 获取 windows 上当前播放的媒体标题?

[英]How to get the currently played media title on windows using python?

How do I get this title using python?如何使用 python 获得此标题?

I haven't tried anything yet since I do not know which library should I use and how.我还没有尝试过任何东西,因为我不知道我应该使用哪个库以及如何使用。

Have a look at this StackOverflow Question - since your picture as music played by spotify, this question might help you.看看这个 StackOverflow 问题 - 因为你的图片是由 spotify 播放的音乐,所以这个问题可能会对你有所帮助。

How to get Spotify current playing song in Python (Windows)? 如何在 Python (Windows) 中获取 Spotify 当前正在播放的歌曲?

They are referring to this Library: https://github.com/XanderMJ/spotilib他们指的是这个库: https://github.com/XanderMJ/spotilib

If you wanna directly control spotify via Python you might also have a look at this library: https://pypi.org/project/pyspotify/如果你想通过 Python 直接控制 spotify,你也可以看看这个库: https://pypi.org/project/pyspotify/

For interaction with the Spotify Web Api, this might also be helpful: https://spotipy.readthedocs.io/en/2.16.1/对于与 Spotify Web Api 的交互,这也可能会有所帮助: https://spotipy.readthedocs.io/en/2。

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