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ValueError: ('事务 %r 未在此连接上打开',<py2neo.client.http.httptransaction object at 0x7fe3fe8f9e80> )</py2neo.client.http.httptransaction>

[英]ValueError: ('Transaction %r is not open on this connection', <py2neo.client.http.HTTPTransaction object at 0x7fe3fe8f9e80>)

I am developing a webapp using the library py2neo.我正在使用库 py2neo 开发一个 webapp。

I also pushed it on Heroku, where it is connected with a Graphene DB, while locally it is connected with a Neo4j database.我还将它推送到 Heroku 上,它与石墨烯数据库相连,而在本地它与 Neo4j 数据库相连。

As I was using my webapp on Heroku, I got this error:当我在 Heroku 上使用我的 webapp 时,我收到了这个错误:

ValueError: ('Transaction %r is not open on this connection', <py2neo.client.http.HTTPTransaction object at 0x7fe3fe8f9e80>)

Since I still have debug=True , I can see that the error happened when the webapp tryed to merge a relationship由于我仍然有debug=True ,我可以看到当 webapp 尝试合并关系时发生了错误

rel = Relationship(...

This error happed once, and then did not occurr anymore.该错误发生了一次,然后不再发生。 However, what does the error mean?但是,错误是什么意思?

I cant't understand the documentation for this error:我无法理解此错误的文档

 def _assert_transaction_open(self, tx): if tx is not self._transaction: raise ValueError("Transaction %r is not open on this connection", tx)

You can safely ignore this.您可以放心地忽略这一点。 It's a bug which will be fixed in the next release.这是一个错误,将在下一个版本中修复。


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