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通过 Postgres 中的角色授予

[英]Granting via role in Postgres

I'd like to ask Postgres experts about a confusing sentence which I found in the documentation.我想向 Postgres 专家询问我在文档中发现的一个令人困惑的句子。 In particular, I refer to the GRANT command, where the documentation states:特别是,我参考了 GRANT 命令,其中文档指出:

If the role executing GRANT holds the required privileges indirectly via more than one role membership path, it is unspecified which containing role will be recorded as having done the grant.如果执行 GRANT 的角色通过多个角色成员路径间接持有所需的权限,则未指定哪个包含角色将被记录为已完成授予。 In such cases it is best practice to use SET ROLE to become the specific role you want to do the GRANT as.在这种情况下,最佳实践是使用 SET ROLE 成为您想要执行 GRANT 的特定角色。

If I understand correctly, this is related to role inheritance.如果我理解正确,这与角色 inheritance 有关。 In particular, you might have a role C which inherits a permission from both role A and role B. In this case, if a user has role C and grants the permission, then Postgres might non-deterministically stipulate that the permission was granted by either A or B. To avoid this ambiguity, the user can issue SET ROLE A or SET ROLE B to force a lesser role and clarify how the granting should occur.特别是,您可能有一个角色 C,它继承了角色 A 和角色 B 的权限。在这种情况下,如果用户具有角色 C 并授予权限,那么 Postgres 可能不确定地规定权限是由任何一方授予的A 或 B。为了避免这种歧义,用户可以发出 SET ROLE A 或 SET ROLE B 来强制一个较小的角色,并阐明应该如何进行授权。

Some questions about this and a more general one:关于这个的一些问题和一个更普遍的问题:

  1. Is this reading correct or does the sentence mean something different?这是正确的阅读方式还是句子的含义有所不同?
  2. What if, in the prior example, a user has the permission via A and C (as opposed to A and B)?如果在前面的示例中,用户通过 A 和 C(而不是 A 和 B)获得权限怎么办? In that case, the recommended practice of using "SET ROLE to become the specific role you want to do the GRANT as" does not seem to help, because setting the role to C still leaves an ambiguity due to inheritance.在这种情况下,使用“SET ROLE to become the specific role you want to do the GRANT as”的推荐做法似乎没有帮助,因为将角色设置为 C 由于 inheritance 仍然存在歧义。
  3. More generally, is there any good reference documentation where the role system of Postgres is compared against traditional SQL grant diagrams?更一般地说,是否有任何好的参考文档将 Postgres 的角色系统与传统的 SQL 授权图进行比较? Some parts of the Postgres implementation are not straightforward and I'd like to learn more about it, which is complicated to do via experiments alone. Postgres 实现的某些部分并不简单,我想了解更多关于它的信息,仅通过实验来完成它很复杂。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Yes, in my opinion, you are right:是的,在我看来,你是对的:

  1. You understand it correctly.你理解正确。

  2. It is no matters if the role that grants a permission has innerited the privilege or not.授予权限的角色是否继承了权限无关紧要。 For each permission that you have postgress registers the role that granted the privilege.对于您拥有的每个权限,postgress 都会注册授予该权限的角色。


  1. I don't know.我不知道。 If you find it, please post a comment.如果你找到它,请发表评论。

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