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python z3 smt 有界 model

[英]python z3 smt Bounded model

I have developed a puzzle game.我开发了一款益智游戏。 state of the game can be expressed as an Int array size of 12. the player can make only 4 moves.游戏的 state 可以表示为大小为 12 的 Int 数组。玩家只能走 4 步。 The aim of the game is to reach a certain state.游戏的目标是达到一定的 state。 I'm trying to solve this puzzle with python z3.我正在尝试用 python z3 解决这个难题。 here is the code.这是代码。

a = Int('a')
b = Int('b')
s = Solver()
s.add(And(a >= 0, b >= 0, b <= a, a == 100))
f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())

init = And(f(0, 1) == 1 , f(0, 2) == 1 , f(0, 3) == 1 , f(0, 4) == 2, f(0, 5) == 2 ,
    f(0, 6) == 2, f(0, 7) == 3, f(0, 8) == 3, f(0, 9) == 3 , f(0, 10) == 4 ,
    f(0, 11) == 4 , f(0, 12) == 4)

goal = And(f(b, 1) == 1 , f(b, 2) == 1 , f(b, 3) == 1 , f(b, 4)
    == 2 , f(b, 5) == 2 , f(b, 6) == 2 , f(b, 7) == 3 , f(b, 8) == 3 ,
    f(b, 9) == 3 , f(b, 10) == 4 , f(b, 11) == 4 , f(b, 12) == 4)

a is maximum number of moves. a 是最大移动次数。 b is minimal number of moves to solve the problem. b 是解决问题的最小移动数。 f is array of statess. f 是状态数组。 goal is final-winner state.目标是最终获胜者 state。

def move(k):

    RIGHT = And(f(k + 1, 1) == f(k, 1), f(k + 1, 2) == f(k, 2), f(k + 1, 3) == f(k, 3),
            f(k + 1, 4) == f(k, 4), f(k + 1, 5) == f(k, 11) , f(k + 1, 6) == f(k, 5),
            f(k + 1, 7) == f(k, 6), f(k + 1, 8) == f(k, 8), f(k + 1, 9) == f(k, 7), 
            f(k + 1, 10) == f(k, 9), f(k + 1, 11) == f(k, 10), f(k + 1, 12) == f(k, 12))

    UP = And(f(k + 1, 1) == f(k, 1), f(k + 1, 2) == f(k, 8), f(k + 1, 3) == f(k, 2),
         f(k + 1, 4) == f(k, 3), f(k + 1, 5) == f(k, 5), f(k + 1, 6) == f(k, 4), 
         f(k + 1, 7) == f(k, 6), f(k + 1, 8) == f(k, 7), f(k + 1, 9) == f(k, 9),
         f(k + 1, 10) == f(k, 10), f(k + 1, 11) == f(k, 11), f(k + 1, 12) == f(k, 12))

    BOT = And(f(k + 1, 1) == f(k, 12), f(k + 1, 2) == f(k, 1), f(k + 1, 3) == f(k, 3),
          f(k + 1, 4) == f(k, 4), f(k + 1, 5) == f(k, 5), f(k + 1, 6) == f(k, 6), 
          f(k + 1, 7) == f(k, 7), f(k + 1, 8) == f(k, 2), f(k + 1, 9) == f(k, 8), 
          f(k + 1, 10) == f(k, 9), f(k + 1, 11) == f(k, 11), f(k + 1, 12) == f(k, 10))

    LEFT = And(f(k + 1, 1) == f(k, 3), f(k + 1, 2) == f(k, 2), f(k + 1, 3) == f(k, 4),
           f(k + 1, 4) == f(k, 5), f(k + 1, 5) == f(k, 11), f(k + 1, 6) == f(k, 6),
           f(k + 1, 7) == f(k, 7), f(k + 1, 8) == f(k, 8), f(k + 1, 9) == f(k, 9), 
           f(k + 1, 10) == f(k, 10), f(k + 1, 11) == f(k, 12), f(k + 1, 12) == f(k, 1))

    return Or(LEFT, UP, BOT, LEFT)

s.add(ForAll([b], move(b)))

move(k) express kth move that connects k+1 and k state. move(k) 表示连接 k+1 和 k state 的第 k 个移动。 with s.add(ForAll([b], move(b))), I want for all integer k k>=0 k <=b to make move (I believe mistake is here).使用 s.add(ForAll([b], move(b))),我想要所有 integer k k>=0 k <=b 移动(我相信这里有错误)。 then I add, init and goal condition.然后我添加,初始化和目标条件。 solver never checks sat or unsat.求解器从不检查 sat 或 unsat。

Any suggestions would be appreciated.任何建议,将不胜感激。

SMT solvers don't do well with quantifiers usually; SMT 求解器通常不能很好地处理量词; and for solving puzzles of this sort, it's much better to use an iterative approach.为了解决这类难题,使用迭代方法要好得多。 That is, generate a list of symbolic moves, and ask the solver if that set can take the game from the initial state to the final state.也就是说,生成一个符号移动列表,并询问求解器该集合是否可以将游戏从最初的 state 带到最终的 state。 We iteratively deepen, ie, we search for solutions with 1-move, 2-moves, 3-moves, etc.;我们迭代加深,即我们用1-move、2-move、3-move等来寻找解; until some predetermined bound.直到某个预定的界限。

It's a bit hard to read your rules, below is a simpler example where the state is just one integer.阅读您的规则有点困难,下面是一个更简单的示例,其中 state 只是一个 integer。 (In your case, you seem to have a grid of 12.) But the coding style should still apply with appropriate modifications: (在您的情况下,您似乎有 12 个网格。)但编码风格仍应适用,并进行适当的修改:

from z3 import *

# The state. In your case, you seem to have 12 values. For
# simplicity, here I'll just use one integer value.
a = Int('a')

# Rules of the game. Instead of swapping things around,
# I'll simply use a few arithmetic operations to represent
# the next value the state can take
def rule1(v):
    return v+1

def rule2(v):
    return v-3

def rule3(v):
    return v*2

# Allocate vars for moves. Allow for 100 moves at most.

moves = [Int('mv_' + str(cnt)) for cnt in range(100)]

# A move picks an arbitrary rule, and applies it
# to the state. We take a cnt argument, counting the moves.
def move(cnt):
    global a
    mv = moves[cnt]
    s.add(mv >= 1)
    s.add(mv <= 3)
    a = If(mv == 1, rule1(a),
        If(mv == 2, rule2(a),

s = Solver()

# Record the beginning state
s.add(a == 0)

cnt = 0
# To solve, we simply iterate and see if we reach the final state.
def solvePuzzle():
    global cnt
    global a
    if cnt == 100:
       print("Count reached 100, no solution found.")
       cnt = cnt+1
       # Check if the state implies the end condition
       # that a is 73. (Arbitrarily chosen for example.)
       s.add(a == 73)
       if s.check() == sat:
           # solved, print the moves:
           print("Solution found in step: %d" % cnt)
           m = s.model()
           for i in range(cnt):
               d = m[moves[i]].as_long()
               print("%3d. %s" % (i+1, ("rule 1", "rule 2", "rule 3")[d - 1]))
           print("No solutions with %d moves" % cnt)


I added inline comments, hopefully they should be easy to read.我添加了内联注释,希望它们应该易于阅读。 In this "game," we have 3-rules in each step.在这个“游戏”中,我们每一步都有 3 条规则。 Increment by 1 ( rule1 ), subtract 3 ( rule2 ), double ( rule3 ).加 1 ( rule1 ),减 3 ( rule2 ),double ( rule3 )。 We put an upper bound of 100 moves.我们设置了 100 步的上限。 Note the use of push and pop to make sure the end condition is checked at each call separately.请注意使用pushpop以确保在每次调用时分别检查结束条件。

When I run this, I get:当我运行它时,我得到:

No solutions with 1 moves
No solutions with 2 moves
No solutions with 3 moves
No solutions with 4 moves
No solutions with 5 moves
No solutions with 6 moves
No solutions with 7 moves
No solutions with 8 moves
Solution found in step: 9
  1. rule 1
  2. rule 3
  3. rule 3
  4. rule 3
  5. rule 1
  6. rule 3
  7. rule 3
  8. rule 3
  9. rule 1

Which says 0 (the starting state), can be turned to 73 (final state), in 9 moves, via the sequence 1-2-4-8-9-18-36-72-73.表示0 (起始状态),可以通过1-2-4-8-9-18-36-72-73.序列在 9 步中变为73 (最终状态)。

Note that, by construction, this coding style finds the minimum possible number of moves.请注意,通过构造,这种编码风格会找到尽可能少的移动次数。

Hope this gets you started!希望这能让你开始!

Thanks to alias code example I have solved the problem.感谢别名代码示例,我已经解决了这个问题。 The code:编码:

from z3 import *

# The state. In your case, you seem to have 12 values. For
# simplicity, here I'll just use one integer value.
states = [[Int('a_' + str(k) + '_' + str(n)) for n in range(12)] for k in range(101)]
max_moves = 100
moves = [Int('mv_' + str(cnt)) for cnt in range(1, 101)]

s = Solver()
def init_state(args):
    s.add(And(states[0][0] == args[0], states[0][1] == args[1], states[0][2] == args[2],
        states[0][3] == args[3], states[0][4] == args[4], states[0][5] == args[5],
        states[0][6] == args[6], states[0][7] == args[7], states[0][8] == args[8],
        states[0][9] == args[9], states[0][10] == args[10], states[0][11] == args[11]))
init_state_indexes = []
print('welcome to bibilcubic solver program!')
print('Enter init state colors "red" as "0", "green" as "1", "yellow" as "" or "blue" as "4" ')

for i in range(12):
    a = input(f"Enter {i} color state: ").lower()
    while a != '0' and a != '1' and a != '2' and a != '3':
        a = input(f"illegal input please, enter again {i} color state: ")



def left(move_number):
    global states
    global moves

    bool = And(moves[move_number - 1] == 0,
        states[move_number][0] == states[move_number-1][11], states[move_number][1] == states[move_number-1][1], states[move_number][2] == states[move_number-1][0],
        states[move_number][3] == states[move_number-1][2], states[move_number][4] == states[move_number-1][3], states[move_number][5] == states[move_number-1][5],
        states[move_number][6] == states[move_number-1][6], states[move_number][7] == states[move_number-1][7], states[move_number][8] == states[move_number-1][8],
        states[move_number][9] == states[move_number-1][9], states[move_number][10] == states[move_number-1][4], states[move_number][11] == states[move_number-1][10])

    return bool

def up(move_number):
    global states
    global moves

    bool = And(moves[move_number - 1] == 1,
        states[move_number][0] == states[move_number-1][0], states[move_number][1] == states[move_number-1][7], states[move_number][2] == states[move_number-1][1],
        states[move_number][3] == states[move_number-1][2], states[move_number][4] == states[move_number-1][4], states[move_number][5] == states[move_number-1][3],
        states[move_number][6] == states[move_number-1][5], states[move_number][7] == states[move_number-1][6], states[move_number][8] == states[move_number-1][8],
        states[move_number][9] == states[move_number-1][9], states[move_number][10] == states[move_number-1][10], states[move_number][11] == states[move_number-1][11])

    return bool

def right(move_number):
    global states
    global moves

    bool = And(moves[move_number - 1] == 2,
        states[move_number][0] == states[move_number-1][0], states[move_number][1] == states[move_number-1][1], states[move_number][2] == states[move_number-1][2],
        states[move_number][3] == states[move_number-1][3], states[move_number][4] == states[move_number-1][10], states[move_number][5] == states[move_number-1][4],
        states[move_number][6] == states[move_number-1][5], states[move_number][7] == states[move_number-1][7], states[move_number][8] == states[move_number-1][6],
        states[move_number][9] == states[move_number-1][8], states[move_number][10] == states[move_number-1][9], states[move_number][11] == states[move_number-1][11])

    return bool

def bot(move_number):
    global states
    global moves

    bool = And(moves[move_number - 1] == 3,
        states[move_number][0] == states[move_number-1][11], states[move_number][1] == states[move_number-1][0], states[move_number][2] == states[move_number-1][2],
        states[move_number][3] == states[move_number-1][3], states[move_number][4] == states[move_number-1][4], states[move_number][5] == states[move_number-1][5],
        states[move_number][6] == states[move_number-1][6], states[move_number][7] == states[move_number-1][1], states[move_number][8] == states[move_number-1][7],
        states[move_number][9] == states[move_number-1][8], states[move_number][10] == states[move_number-1][10], states[move_number][11] == states[move_number-1][9])

    return bool

def move(move_number):

    global s

    return Or(left(move_number), up(move_number),
            right(move_number), bot(move_number))

cnt = 1
            # To solve, we simply iterate and see if we reach the final state.
def solvePuzzle():

    global cnt
    global current_state

    if cnt == 100:
        print("Count reached 500, no solution found.")

        # Check if the state implies the end condition
        a = move(cnt)
        s.add(And(states[cnt][0] == 0, states[cnt][1] == 0, states[cnt][2] == 0,
            states[cnt][3] == 1, states[cnt][4] == 1, states[cnt][5] == 1,
            states[cnt][6] == 2, states[cnt][7] == 2, states[cnt][8] == 2,
            states[cnt][9] == 3, states[cnt][10] == 3, states[cnt][11] == 3))

        cnt = cnt+1
        # that a is 73. (Arbitrarily chosen for example.)

        if s.check() == sat:
            # solved, print the moves:
            print(f"Solution found in step: {cnt - 1}")
            m = s.model()
            for i in range(cnt-1):
                d = m[moves[i]].as_long()
                print(f"{i+1} move is: {('left', 'up', 'right', 'bot')[d]}")

                print(f"No solutions with {cnt - 1} moves")



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