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GitHub 页面图像添加到新页面时未加载

[英]GitHub Pages Images not loading when added to new page

Okay, so I'm currently updating my github pages site to have several pages, instead of all my info being on the home page.好的,所以我目前正在更新我的 github 页面站点以拥有多个页面,而不是我的所有信息都在主页上。 I created new.md files and used the yaml front matter to set the title, layout, and permalink of the new page.我创建了 new.md 文件,并使用 yaml 前面的内容来设置新页面的标题、布局和永久链接。 I then copied over my markdown "code" from my index.md file to my new.md file, without changing anything.然后,我将我的 markdown “代码”从 index.md 文件复制到我的 new.md 文件,没有进行任何更改。 The markdown in question includes a few html lines to insert images.有问题的 markdown 包括一些 html 行以插入图像。

For some reason, the images are loading properly on the page connected to index.md, but not on any of my new.md pages.出于某种原因,图像在连接到 index.md 的页面上正确加载,但在我的任何 new.md 页面上都没有。 I know it's not a case-sensitivity issue, and my new.md files are in the same directory as index.md, so its not like there's a pathing issue.我知道这不是区分大小写的问题,而且我的 new.md 文件与 index.md 位于同一目录中,因此它不像是路径问题。

Any ideas?????有任何想法吗?????

For your reference:供你参考:

Homepage: http://www.catherineslaughter.space/主页: http://www.catherineslaughter.space/

New page in question: http://www.catherineslaughter.space/research/有问题的新页面: http://www.catherineslaughter.space/research/

Repo: https://github.com/catieslaughts/catieslaughts.github.io回购: https://github.com/catieslaughts/catieslaughts.github.io

Thanks in advance!!!提前致谢!!!

Since you are in the 'research' folder you want to go up a level.由于您位于“研究”文件夹中,因此您希望将 go 提升一个级别。 Try ../images_pdfs/SURFfinalPoster.jpg as an example for any image you link to on your research page.尝试../images_pdfs/SURFfinalPoster.jpg作为您在研究页面上链接到的任何图像的示例。

Currently your relative path images are resolving to: http://www.catherineslaughter.space/research/images_pdfs/SURFfinalPoster.jpg目前您的相对路径图像解析为: http://www.catherineslaughter.space/research/images_pdfs/SURFfinalPoster.jpg

instead of代替


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