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SwiftUI 选择器 聚焦于视图中的选定项目

[英]SwiftUI Picker Focus on selected item in view

I'm trying to have the selected item in the Picker display at the top of the view.我试图在视图顶部的选取器中显示所选项目。 I have added.我已经添加了。 standard picker:标准选择器:

    Picker(selection: $selectedYear, label: Text("")) {
        ForEach(2000...2050, id: \.self) {

2020 is currently selected, however when the view appears it displays from 2000 at the top, 2020 outside of the screen with a check next to it.当前选择了 2020,但是当视图出现时,它会在顶部显示 2000,在屏幕外部显示 2020,旁边有一个勾号。


Pickers in SwiftUI need a tag to work. SwiftUI 中的拾取器需要一个标签才能工作。

    Picker(selection: $selectedYear, label: Text("")) {
        ForEach(2000...2050, id: \.self) {
            Text(String($0)).tag($0) // <= add this to work

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