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Spring 批处理 FlatFileItemReader 令牌错误

[英]Spring batch FlatFileItemReader token error

I have two csv files in my filesystem which I need to process with spring batch based on some request type.我的文件系统中有两个 csv 文件,我需要根据某些请求类型使用 spring 批处理进行处理。

File for request type: EOD (without headers)请求类型的文件:EOD(无标题)


Another file for request type: ANCIENT (without headers)请求类型的另一个文件:ANCIENT(无标题)


Both file have mandatory first two fields, id and source .这两个文件都有强制性的前两个字段, idsource ANCIENT file can optionally have 3rd and 4th field startDate and endDate ANCIENT 文件可以选择具有第 3 和第 4 字段startDateendDate

How can I create an FlatFileItemReader that will work for both files?如何创建适用于这两个文件的FlatFileItemReader Currently I have something like:目前我有类似的东西:

My ItemReader implementation to Read the csv file:我的 ItemReader 实现读取 csv 文件:

@Scope(value = "step", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public FlatFileItemReader<FixingDTO> fileReader(@Value("#{jobExecutionContext['type']}") String type) {
    SomeType type = forName(type);
    return new FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<MyDTO>()
            .resource(new ClassPathResource(MAP.get(type)))
            .names("id", "source", "startDate", "endDate")

Mapper For the Fields:字段映射器:

public class MyDTOFieldMapper implements FieldSetMapper<MyDTO> {

    public MyDTO  mapFieldSet(FieldSet fieldSet) throws BindException {
        MyDTO dto = new MyDTO();


        return dto;

    private LocalDate formatDate(String dateString) {
        return LocalDate.parse(dateString, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd"));

I get a Token Exception when running the job:运行作业时出现令牌异常:

Caused by: org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform.IncorrectTokenCountException: Incorrect number of tokens found in record: expected 4 actual 2

I want to simply process whatever is in the line and assign to the object variables.我想简单地处理行中的任何内容并分配给 object 变量。 StartDate and endDate can be null. StartDate 和 endDate 可以是 null。

There is field strict (default value: true) inside of DelimitedLineTokenizer , that property exactly what you are looking for. DelimitedLineTokenizer内部有字段strict (默认值:true),该属性正是您要查找的属性。 You should set that field in false.您应该将该字段设置为 false。

Description of behavior:行为描述:

     * Public setter for the strict flag. If true (the default) then number of 
     * tokens in line must match the number of tokens defined 
     * (by {@link Range}, columns, etc.) in {@link LineTokenizer}. 
     * If false then lines with less tokens will be tolerated and padded with 
     * empty columns, and lines with more tokens will 
     * simply be truncated.
     * @param strict the strict flag to set
    public void setStrict(boolean strict) {
        this.strict = strict;

Unfortunately there is not nice way to set strict field in builder, otherwise we can set in following way:不幸的是,在builder中设置严格字段不是很好的方法,否则我们可以通过以下方式设置:

@Scope(value = "step", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public FlatFileItemReader<FixingDTO> fileReader(@Value("#{jobExecutionContext['type']}") String type) {
    SomeType type = forName(type);
    return new FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<MyDTO>()
                .lineTokenizer(new DelimitedLineTokenizer() {
                        setNames("id", "source", "startDate", "endDate");

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