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NDepend 查找没有文档的私有方法

[英]NDepend find private methods without documentation

i'm new to ndepend and i want a cqlinq rule to find all not documented methods.我是 ndepend 的新手,我想要一个 cqlinq 规则来查找所有未记录的方法。 Thats my current query, but there is no documented-Property.那是我当前的查询,但没有记录的属性。

from m in Application.Methods 
.Where(m => !m.IsGeneratedByCompiler && m.Visibility == Visibility.Private && m.??Documentation?? == false)

select new { m, m.Visibility }

any ideas?有任何想法吗? Happy new year... :-)新年快乐... :-)

What about this code query?这个代码查询呢?

from m in JustMyCode.Methods
where m.IsPrivate
&& m.NbLinesOfCode > 5 // Adjust to your needs
&& m.NbLinesOfComment == 0
select new { m, m.NbLinesOfCode }

将未注释的私有方法与 ndepend 匹配

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