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为什么这个 python 代码不起作用(可能是语法错误?)

[英]Why is this python code not working (possible syntax error ?)

I am new to python and cannot understand why the method, goSouthWest, is not working with my tester.我是 python 的新手,不明白为什么 goSouthWest 方法不适用于我的测试仪。 Both files are located in the same folder.这两个文件位于同一个文件夹中。 The issue that arises is "goSouthWest is not defined".出现的问题是“未定义 goSouthWest”。 Basically a name error when calling the goSouthWest function in getPath function.在 getPath function 中调用 goSouthWest function 时基本上是名称错误。 Could someone please tell me what's wrong with my code?有人可以告诉我我的代码有什么问题吗? The tester's contents are as follows.测试仪的内容如下。


from Map import Map  

map1 = Map(10, 10) 

print(map1.getPath(5, 5, 4, 1))

Class: Class:

import math

class Map:

    def __init__(self, row, column):
        self.row = row
        self.column = column

    def getPath(self, startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol):
        if startRow < 0 or startRow > self.row or startCol < 0 or startCol > self.column or destRow < 0 or destRow > self.row or destCol < 0 or destCol > self.column:
            raise ValueError("IllegalArgumentException")
        elif (startRow >= destRow and startCol >= destCol):
            path = goSouthWest(startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol)
        return path

    def goSouthWest(startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol): # goSouthWest method
        colDiff = startCol - destCol
        rowDiff = startRow - destRow
        if (colDiff > rowDiff) and (startRow != destRow):
            startRow -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (rowDiff > colDiff) and (startCol != destCol):
            startCol -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (rowDiff > colDiff) and (startCol == destCol):
            startRow -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (colDiff > rowDiff) and (startRow == destRow):
            startCol -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (rowDiff == 0) and (colDiff == 0) and (destRow == 0) and (destCol == 0):
            startCol += 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
            startRow -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "

        if startCol != destCol and startRow != destRow:
            path = path + goSouthWest(startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol)

        return path

You don't have the argument self in goSouthWest .您在goSouthWest中没有self参数。 Also, you should call member functions as self.function() , like path = self.goSouthWest(startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol)此外,您应该将成员函数称为self.function() ,例如path = self.goSouthWest(startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol)

Your code should be like this:你的代码应该是这样的:

import math

class Map:

    def __init__(self, row, column):
        self.row = row
        self.column = column

    def getPath(self, startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol):
        if startRow < 0 or startRow > self.row or startCol < 0 or startCol > self.column or destRow < 0 or destRow > self.row or destCol < 0 or destCol > self.column:
            raise ValueError("IllegalArgumentException")
        elif (startRow >= destRow and startCol >= destCol):
            path = goSouthWest(startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol)
        return path
                    # every method of a class must have a self argument
    def goSouthWest(self, startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol):
        colDiff = startCol - destCol
        rowDiff = startRow - destRow
        if (colDiff > rowDiff) and (startRow != destRow):
            startRow -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (rowDiff > colDiff) and (startCol != destCol):
            startCol -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (rowDiff > colDiff) and (startCol == destCol):
            startRow -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (colDiff > rowDiff) and (startRow == destRow):
            startCol -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
        elif (rowDiff == 0) and (colDiff == 0) and (destRow == 0) and (destCol == 0):
            startCol += 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "
            startRow -= 1
            path = path + "(" + str(startRow) + "," + str(startCol) + ") "

        if startCol != destCol and startRow != destRow:
                          # methods of the class must be called with self
            path = path + self.goSouthWest(startRow, startCol, destRow, destCol)

        return path

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