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如何将 map 字典键指向 python 中的变量?

[英]how to map dictionary keys to variables in python?

I'm making a game that saves information such as funds and stuff like that about users in a shelve.我正在制作一款游戏,可以将资金等信息以及有关用户的信息保存在搁置中。 That shelve starts out looking something like this:那个架子开始看起来像这样:

Userdata = shelve.open('UserData', writeback = True)
Userdata[username]={'funds' = 100, 
                    'highscore' = 0}

The username variable is defined earlier.用户名变量在前面定义。 The shelve has keys that are usernames, and the values are dictionaries with that user's data.搁置的键是用户名,值是包含该用户数据的字典。 And then, I have some in-game variables that correspond to the values stored in the dictionary:然后,我有一些与字典中存储的值相对应的游戏内变量:

funds = Userdata[username]['funds']
highscore = Userdata[username]['highscore']

The variables in the dictionary get changed as the user changes the in-game values.字典中的变量会随着用户更改游戏中的值而更改。 The names of the variables will always be the same as the corresponding dictionary key.变量的名称将始终与相应的字典键相同。 The problem is, I have quite a few variables in the dictionary.问题是,我的字典中有很多变量。 I was wondering if there was a way to map the variables to the corresponding keys in the dictionary in a for loop or something, so that I don't have to define every single one?我想知道是否有一种方法可以 map 在 for 循环或其他东西中将变量指向字典中的相应键,这样我就不必定义每一个? Thanks!谢谢!

Depending on the scope you can use globals or locals for this:根据 scope 您可以为此使用globalslocals变量:

In [1]: d = {'funds': 100, 'highscore': 0}
   ...: for k in d:
   ...:     locals()[k] = d[k]

In [2]: funds
Out[2]: 100

In [3]: highscore
Out[3]: 0

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