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当新值与上一个值相同时,StateFlow 不会发出

[英]StateFlow don't emit when the new value same last value

I have a login form.我有一个登录表单。 I use StateFlow to send LoginResult (after call API) from ViewModel to Activity .我使用StateFlowLoginResult (调用 API 后)从ViewModel发送到Activity In the Activity, I will show an error dialog if login failed.在活动中,如果登录失败,我将显示一个错误对话框。
It works well for the first time but from the second time I login failed, the error dialog won't show again.它第一次运行良好,但从我第二次登录失败后,错误对话框将不再显示。 I tested both .value and .emit on StateFlow我在StateFlow上测试了.value.emit

private val _loginResult = MutableStateFlow(LoginResult())
val loginResult: StateFlow<LoginResult> = _loginResult

fun login(email: String, password: String) {
    viewModelScope.launch {
        when (val result = loginRepository.login(email, password)) {
            is Result.Fail-> {
                _loginResult.value = LoginResult(error = "Login failed")
                // _loginResult.emit(LoginResult(error = "Login failed")) same issue

For this case, I use SharedFlow so my Activity still able to collect the new value even it same the last value对于这种情况,我使用SharedFlow所以我的Activity仍然能够收集新值,即使它与最后一个值相同

private val _loginResult = MutableSharedFlow<LoginResult>()
val loginResult: SharedFlow<LoginResult> = _loginResult

_loginResult.emit(LoginResult(error = "Login failed"))

Another possible solution but it's not good is change my current data class LoginResult(...) to class LoginResult .另一种可能的解决方案,但它不好是将我当前的data class LoginResult(...)更改为class LoginResult Then every new instance of LoginResult will different然后每个新的LoginResult实例都会不同

That's by default.这是默认设置。 What you could do is to emit one value when the login is in progress, before emitting the result.您可以做的是在登录过程中发出一个值,然后发出结果。 That way you would have a sequence like:这样你就会有一个像这样的序列:

in_progress -> error -> in_progress -> error

Apps usually display a spinner or something when the in_progress or loading or whatever is emitted.应用程序通常会在in_progressloading或其他任何东西发出时显示微调器或其他东西。

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