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使用 HTTPS TLS 1.2 配置 JBoss EAP 7

[英]Configure JBoss EAP 7 with HTTPS TLS 1.2

I am trying to configure a JBOSS EAP 7.0 server to use HTTPS and TLS 1.2.我正在尝试配置 JBOSS EAP 7.0 服务器以使用 HTTPS 和 TLS 1.2。

I have created a certificcate using the command:我使用以下命令创建了一个证书:

keytool -keystore <PATH>\keystore2.jks -alias servercert -validity 365 -genkey

I have then added the following to the standalone.xml using the cli tool.然后我使用cli工具将以下内容添加到standalone.xml。

            <security-realm name="HTTPSRealm">
                    <keystore path="<PATH>\keystore2.jks" keystore-password="password" alias="servercert"/>

... ...

<https-listener name="https" security-realm="HTTPSRealm" socket-binding="https"/>

The port binding for HTTPS is HTTPS 的端口绑定是

       <socket-binding name="https" port="${jboss.https.port:8082}"/>

When I try and access my web application using https on port 8082 I get a connection closed error from my browswer.当我尝试在端口 8082 上使用 https 访问我的 web 应用程序时,我的浏览器出现连接关闭错误。

Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong and how to enable HTTPS?谁能告诉我我做错了什么以及如何启用 HTTPS? There doesn't seem to be any errors being created in the logs and the listener is listed on start-up.日志中似乎没有创建任何错误,并且侦听器在启动时列出。

The Certificate seemed to be broken I generated another one and it worked fine.证书似乎已损坏,我生成了另一个证书,它运行良好。

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