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异步 function 调用未执行

[英]Async function calls not executing

I'm trying to copy large set of files from one S3 to another S3, using asynchronous method.我正在尝试使用异步方法将大量文件从一个 S3 复制到另一个 S3。 To achieve the same, the large set of files is broken into batches and each batch is handed over to a list of async method.为了达到同样的目的,将大量文件分成多个批次,每个批次都交给一个异步方法列表。 The issue is, each async method is not processing more than 1 file in the batch, whereas each batch contains more than 1k files, not sure why async doesn't go back to process the remaining files.问题是,每个异步方法在批处理中不处理超过 1 个文件,而每个批处理包含超过 1k 个文件,不确定为什么 async 不返回处理剩余文件。

Here is the code:这是代码:

public void CreateAndExecuteSpawn(string srcBucket, List<List<string>> pdfFileList, IAmazonS3 s3client)
    int i = 0;
    List<Action> actions = new List<Action>();
    LambdaLogger.Log("PDF Set count: " + pdfFileList.Count.ToString());
    foreach (var list in pdfFileList)
        actions.Add(() => RenameFilesAsync(srcBucket, list, s3client));

    foreach (var method in actions)
        LambdaLogger.Log("Mehtod invoked: "+ i++.ToString());
public async void RenameFilesAsync(string srcBucket, List<string> pdfFiles, IAmazonS3 s3client)
    LambdaLogger.Log("In RenameFileAsync method");
    CopyObjectRequest copyRequest = new CopyObjectRequest
        SourceBucket = srcBucket,
        DestinationBucket = srcBucket
        foreach (var file in pdfFiles)
            if (!file.Contains("index.xml"))
                string[] newFilename = file.Split('{');
                string[] destKey = file.Split('/');
                copyRequest.SourceKey = file;
                copyRequest.DestinationKey = destKey[0] + "/" + destKey[1] + "/Renamed/" + newFilename[1];
                LambdaLogger.Log("About to rename File: " + file);
                //Here after copying one file, function doesn't return to foreach loop
                CopyObjectResponse response = await s3client.CopyObjectAsync(copyRequest);
                //await s3client.CopyObjectAsync(copyRequest);
                LambdaLogger.Log("Rename done: ");
    catch(Exception ex)
public void FunctionHandler(S3Event evnt, ILambdaContext context)
    //Some code here
    CreateAndExecuteSpawn(bucket, pdfFileSet, s3client);

First you need to fix the batch so that it will process the batches one at a time.首先,您需要修复批次,以便它一次处理一个批次。 Avoid async void ; 避免async void use async Task instead:改用async Task

public async Task CreateAndExecuteSpawnAsync(string srcBucket, List<List<string>> pdfFileList, IAmazonS3 s3client)
    int i = 0;
    List<Func<Task>> actions = new();
    LambdaLogger.Log("PDF Set count: " + pdfFileList.Count.ToString());
    foreach (var list in pdfFileList)
        actions.Add(() => RenameFilesAsync(srcBucket, list, s3client));

    foreach (var method in actions)
        await method();
        LambdaLogger.Log("Mehtod invoked: "+ i++.ToString());
public async Task RenameFilesAsync(string srcBucket, List<string> pdfFiles, IAmazonS3 s3client)

Then you can add asynchronous concurrency within each batch.然后,您可以在每个批次中添加异步并发。 The current code is just a foreach loop, so of course it only processes one at a time.当前代码只是一个foreach循环,所以当然它一次只处理一个。 You can change this to be asynchronously concurrent by Select ing the tasks to run and then doing a Task.WhenAll at the end:您可以通过Select将要运行的任务更改为异步并发,然后在最后执行Task.WhenAll

LambdaLogger.Log("In RenameFileAsync method");
CopyObjectRequest copyRequest = new CopyObjectRequest
    SourceBucket = srcBucket,
    DestinationBucket = srcBucket
  var tasks = pdfFiles
      .Where(file => !file.Contains("index.xml"))
      .Select(async file =>
         string[] newFilename = file.Split('{');
         string[] destKey = file.Split('/');
         copyRequest.SourceKey = file;
         copyRequest.DestinationKey = destKey[0] + "/" + destKey[1] + "/Renamed/" + newFilename[1];
         LambdaLogger.Log("About to rename File: " + file);
         CopyObjectResponse response = await s3client.CopyObjectAsync(copyRequest);
         LambdaLogger.Log("Rename done: ");
  await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

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