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svg fonts 有连字表吗?

[英]Do svg fonts have ligature tables?

Do svg fonts use ligature tables? svg fonts 是否使用连字表? If so, can you point me to an example of what one would look like (it doesn't have to have glyph data)?如果是这样,您能否举一个例子来说明一个例子(它不必有字形数据)?

I just wanted to make sure before I go changing font data that I exported from out of font forge.我只是想确保在 go 更改我从字体伪造中导出的字体数据之前。

Thank you!谢谢!

I'm going to assume you are referring to the type of font with an .svg extension.我假设您指的是带有.svg扩展名的字体类型。 And not OpenType fonts that contain SVG-based glyphs.而不是包含基于 SVG 字形的 OpenType fonts。

Information on the capabilities of SVG fonts can be found in the SVG Specification . SVG fonts 的功能信息可在SVG 规范中找到。

The answer is no.答案是不。 SVG fonts are very primitive. SVG fonts 非常原始。 They support kerning, and that's about it.他们支持字距调整,仅此而已。

It's also worth pointing out that SVG fonts are deprecated now.还值得指出的是 SVG fonts 现在已被弃用。 It has been removed from the draft SVG 2 specification.它已从 SVG 2 规范草案中删除。 And support is gradually being removed from browsers .并且支持正在逐渐从浏览器中删除。

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