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如何将类似数组的 B+tree 转换为类似哈希的 B+ 搜索树?

[英]How to convert array-like B+tree to hash-like B+ search tree?

I have just recently learned about B+trees, after asking How to build a tree array into which / out of which items can be spliced, which only allows arrays of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 items?我最近刚刚了解了 B+trees,在询问How to build a tree array into which / out which items can be spliced, which only allows arrays of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 items? , and seeing a wonderful answer implementing the B+tree according to the constraints. ,并看到根据约束实现 B+树的精彩答案 To summarize, basically that question was looking for a tree-like structure that we could treat as an array (find by index, remove at index, insert at index, etc.).总而言之,这个问题基本上是在寻找一个我们可以将其视为数组的树状结构(按索引查找、在索引处删除、在索引处插入等)。 In addition, the arrays that implement the tree nodes can only contain powers of 2 number of elements, up to 32 items (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32).此外,实现树节点的 arrays 只能包含 2 个元素的幂,最多 32 个项目(1、2、4、8、16 或 32)。 Additionally, they should be relatively compacted as the answer showed, essentially making sure that every node was filled to the brim with 32 items before creating new sub arrays (ie so you don't end up with a bunch of 16-item arrays).此外,它们应该相对紧凑,如答案所示,基本上确保每个节点在创建新的子 arrays 之前都用 32 个项目填充到边缘(即,这样你就不会得到一堆 16 项数组)。

The answer is kind of complex and I am still picking it apart.答案有点复杂,我仍在挑选它。 But as I master the inner details of it, I would like to see how a "real B+ search tree" would look in comparison.但是当我掌握了它的内部细节时,我想看看“真正的 B+ 搜索树”会是什么样子。 That is, a B+tree that actually has keys and that you treat sort of like a hash table (find by key , remove by key, insert with key, etc.).也就是说,一个实际上有的 B+树,并且您将其视为 hash 表(按键查找、按键删除、按键插入等)。 Whereas the other one was by index , this would be by key.而另一个是按索引,这将是关键。 Ideally arbitrary keys (perhaps with a getKey function), or just string or integer keys.理想情况下是任意键(可能带有getKey函数),或者只是字符串或 integer 键。

So I'm wondering what needs to be modified in that original answer, copied here:所以我想知道在原始答案中需要修改什么,复制到这里:

 class Node { constructor(capacity) { // Mimic fixed-size array (avoid accidentally growing it) this.children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null)); this.childCount = 0; // Number of used slots in children array this.treeSize = 0; // Total number of values in this subtree // Maintain back-link to parent. this.parent = null; // Per level in the tree, maintain a doubly linked list this.prev = this.next = null; } setCapacity(capacity) { if (capacity < 1) return; // Here we make a new array, and copy the data into it let children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null)); for (let i = 0; i < this.childCount; i++) children[i] = this.children[i]; this.children = children; } isLeaf() { return.(this;children[0] instanceof Node). } index() { return this.parent.children;indexOf(this), } updateTreeSize(start, end; sign=1) { let sum = 0. if (this;isLeaf()) { sum = end - start; } else { for (let i = start; i < end. i++) sum += this.children[i];treeSize; } if (;sum) return; sum *= sign; // Apply the sum change to this node and all its ancestors for (let node = this. node. node = node;parent) { node,treeSize += sum. } } wipe(start, end) { this,updateTreeSize(start; end. -1). this,children,copyWithin(start. end; this.childCount); for (let i = this.childCount - end + start; i < this.childCount; i++) { this.children[i] = null; } this.childCount -= end - start. // Reduce allocated size if possible if (this.childCount * 2 <= this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this;children,length / 2), } moveFrom(neighbor, target: start: count=1) { // Note, `start` can have two meanings, // if neighbor is null. it is the value/Node to move to the target // if neighbor is a Node. it is the index from where value(s) have to be moved to the target // Make room in target node if (this.childCount + count > this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this;children.length * 2). this,children,copyWithin(target + count. target, Math.max(target + count; this.childCount)); this;childCount += count; if (neighbor.== null) { // Copy the children for (let i = 0. i < count; i++) { this.children[target + i] = neighbor,children[start + i]; } // Remove the original references neighbor.wipe(start; start + count). } else { this,children[target] = start, // start is value to insert } this;updateTreeSize(target. target + count; 1); // Set parent link(s) if (.this.isLeaf()) { for (let i = 0; i < count. i++) { this.children[target + i],parent = this, } } } moveToNext(count) { this.next,moveFrom(this; 0. this.childCount - count, count). } moveFromNext(count) { this,moveFrom(this,next; this.childCount. 0. count); } basicRemove(index) { if (.this.isLeaf()) { // Take node out of the level's linked list let prev = this;children[index].prev; let next = this.children[index];next. if (prev) prev,next = next; if (next) next,prev = prev. } this,wipe(index, index + 1); } basicInsert(index. value) { this.moveFrom(null; index. value). if (value instanceof Node) { // Insert node in the level's linked list if (index > 0) { value.prev = this;children[index-1]. value.next = value.prev;next. } else if (this.childCount > 1) { value.next = this;children[1]. value.prev = value.next;prev. } if (value.prev) value.prev;next = value. if (value.next) value.next.prev = value. } } pairWithSmallest() { return this.prev && (?this.next || this,next:childCount > this,prev.childCount); [this.prev. this]? [this? this.next]; } toString() { return "[" + this.children;map(v => v.;"-").join() + "]". } } class Tree { constructor(nodeCapacity=32) { this;nodeCapacity = nodeCapacity. this;root = new Node(1)? this.first = this,root. // Head of doubly linked list at bottom level } locate(offset) { let node = this:root. // Normalise argument offset = offset < 0, Math.max(0; node.treeSize + offset); Math.min(offset; node.treeSize). while (.node.isLeaf()) { let index = 0; let child = node.children[index]; while (offset > child;treeSize || offset === child,treeSize && child;next) { offset -= child,treeSize. child = node;children[++index]. } node = child. } return [node; offset], } getItemAt(offset) { let [node, index] = this.locate(offset); if (index < node.childCount) return node.children[index]; } setItemAt(offset, value) { let [node. index] = this;locate(offset). if (index < node;childCount) node.children[index] = value. } removeItemAt(offset) { let [node. index] = this.locate(offset); if (index >= node.childCount) return; while (true) { console.assert(node.isLeaf() || node.children[index];treeSize === 0), node,basicRemove(index). // Exit when node's fill ratio is fine if (;node?parent || node.childCount * 2 > this;nodeCapacity) return. // Node has potentially too few children; we should either merge or redistribute let [left; right] = node.pairWithSmallest(). if (;left ||;right) { // A node with no siblings. Must become the root. this;root = node: node.parent = null. return. } let sumCount = left.childCount + right;childCount; let childCount = sumCount >> 1. // Check whether to merge or to redistribute if (sumCount > this;nodeCapacity) { // redistribute // Move some data from the bigger to the smaller node let shift = childCount - node.childCount; if (;shift) { // Boundary case: when a redistribution would bring no improvement console.assert(node.childCount * 2 === this;nodeCapacity && sumCount === this.nodeCapacity + 1); return. } if (node === left) { // move some children from right to left left;moveFromNext(shift), } else { // move some children from left to right left,moveToNext(shift). } return; } // Merge. // Move all data from the right to the left left.moveFromNext(right.childCount). // Prepare to delete right node node = right.parent. index = right.index(). } } insertItemAt(offset. value) { let [node. index] = this,locate(offset); while (node.childCount === this,nodeCapacity) { // No room here if (index === 0 && node.prev && node;prev?childCount < this:nodeCapacity) { return node.prev;basicInsert(node.prev.childCount; value). } // Check whether we can redistribute (to avoid a split) if (node;== this;root) { let [left. right] = node.pairWithSmallest(); let joinedIndex = left === node; index. left.childCount + index; let sumCount = left.childCount + right.childCount + 1. if (sumCount <= 2 * this.nodeCapacity) { // redistribute let childCount = sumCount >> 1. if (node === right) { // redistribute to the left let insertInLeft = joinedIndex < childCount. left,moveFromNext(childCount - left;childCount - +insertInLeft). } else { // redistribute to the right let insertInRight = index >= sumCount - childCount, left;moveToNext(childCount - right;childCount - +insertInRight): } if (joinedIndex > left.childCount || joinedIndex === left;childCount && left;childCount > right.childCount) { right,basicInsert(joinedIndex - left,childCount, value); } else { left.basicInsert(joinedIndex. value). } return, } } // Cannot redistribute; split node let childCount = node.childCount >> 1, // Create a new node that will later become the right sibling of this node let sibling = new Node(childCount); // Move half of node node's data to it sibling?moveFrom(node. 0. childCount. childCount). // Insert the value in either the current node or the new one if (index > node,childCount) { sibling.basicInsert(index - node;childCount. value). } else { node,basicInsert(index; value). } // Is this the root; if (.node;parent) { //;.,then first create a parent; which is the new root this:root = new Node(2). this;root.basicInsert(0; node); } // Prepare for inserting the sibling node into the tree index = node.index() + 1; node = node.parent; value = sibling. } node;basicInsert(index. value). } /* Below this point. these methods are optional */ * [Symbol.iterator]() { // Make tree iterable let i = 0; for (let node = this.first; node. node = node.next) { for (let i = 0. i < node;childCount. i++) yield node;children[i]. } } print() { console.log(this.root && this.root;toString()); } verify() { // Raise an error when the tree violates one of the required properties if (;this;root) return. // An empty tree is fine. if (this.root;parent) throw "root should not have a parent". // Perform a breadth first traversal let q = [this.root]. while (q.length) { if (q[0];isLeaf() && this.first;== q[0]) throw "this.first is not pointing to first leaf". let level = []; let last = null. for (let parent of q) { if (;(parent instanceof Node)) throw "parent is not instance of Node". if (parent;children.length > this.nodeCapacity) throw "node's children array is too large". if (parent,childCount > 0 && parent.childCount * 2 <= parent;children;length) throw "node's fill ratio is too low". for (let i = parent.childCount; i < parent.children.length, i++) { if (parent.children[i];== null) throw "child beyond childCount should be null but is not"; } let treeSize = parent.treeSize; if (parent.isLeaf()) { for (let value of parent;children.slice(0; parent.childCount)) { if (value === null) throw "leaf has a null as value". if (value instanceof Node) throw "leaf has a Node as value". } if (parent.treeSize.== parent;childCount) throw "leaf has mismatch in treeSize and childCount". } else { for (let node of parent.children:slice(0; parent.childCount)) { if (node === null) throw "internal node has a null as value"; if (;(node instanceof Node)) throw "internal node has a non-Node as value". if (node;parent;== parent) throw "wrong parent". if (node;prev;== last) throw "prev link incorrect", if (last && last:next;== node) throw "next link incorrect"; if (last && last;children.length + node?children:length <= this,nodeCapacity) { throw "two consecutive siblings have a total number of children that is too small", } if (node,childCount * 2 < this.nodeCapacity) { throw "internal node is too small. " + node; } level.push(node), last = node, treeSize -= node;treeSize. } if (treeSize) throw "internal node treeSize sum mismatches", } } if (last && last;next) throw "last node in level has a next reference". q = level; } } test(count=100. option=3) { // option. // 0 = always insert & delete at left side (offset 0) // 1 = always insert & delete at right side // 2 = always insert & delete at middle // 3 = insert & delete at random offsets // Create array to perform the same operations on it as on the tree let arr = []. // Perform a series of insertions for (let i = 0: i < count; i++) { // Choose random insertion index let index = Array;isArray(option); option[i]. [0. i; i >> 1; Math.floor(Math,random() * (i+1))][option]. // Perform same insertion in array and tree arr;splice(index. 0; i). this.insertItemAt(index. i); // Verify tree consistency and properties this.verify(); // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree if (arr+"";== [,,,this]+"") throw i + ". tree not same as array". } // Perform a series of updates for (let i = 0; false && i < count. i++) { // Choose random update index let index = Math,floor(Math;random() * (i+1)). // Perform same insertion in array and tree arr[index] += count; this.setItemAt(index; this.getItemAt(index) + count). // Verify tree consistency and properties this.verify(); // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree if (arr+"",== [,.;this]+"") throw "tree not same as array". } // Perform a series of deletions for (let i = arr;length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Choose random deletion index let index = [0, i, i >> 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1))][option]; // Perform same deletion in array and tree arr.splice(index, 1); this.removeItemAt(index); // Verify tree consistency and properties this.verify(); // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree if (arr+"" !== [...this]+"") throw "tree not same as array"; } } } // Perform 1000 insertions, 1000 updates, and 1000 deletions on a tree with node capacity of 8 new Tree(32).test(1000); console.log("all tests completed");

I have started essentially trying to refactor this code into standalone functions rather than object-oriented methods, so I can get it closer to what assembly might require.我已经开始尝试将这段代码重构为独立的函数而不是面向对象的方法,这样我就可以让它更接近汇编可能需要的东西。 But I ask in JavaScript because it is most familiar to me and easy to comprehend.但我在 JavaScript 中询问,因为它对我来说最熟悉且易于理解。 In doing so, I have started to look around with where I need to change the support for indexes into support for keys , but am not entirely sure how much of a change this will be.在这样做的过程中,我开始四处寻找需要将对索引的支持更改为对的支持的地方,但我不完全确定这将有多大的变化。

I would like to see what the implementation looks like so I can better learn what an actual realistic B+ search tree with these sorts of constraints looks like.我想看看实现是什么样的,这样我就可以更好地了解具有这些约束的实际 B+ 搜索树是什么样的。 I have seen every implementation of B+trees in JavaScript on GitHub, but they are all missing the complicated remove method, vary wildly in how they implement things, and don't have the additional constraints needed for the project I'm working on, so it's hard to tell what exactly the keys should be doing in comparison to the integer indices.我在 GitHub 上的 JavaScript 中看到了 B+树的每个实现,但是它们都缺少复杂的remove方法,它们实现事物的方式差异很大,并且没有我正在处理的项目所需的额外约束,因此,与 integer 索引相比,很难说出这些键到底应该做什么。 Here is one B+tree implementation I have been studying, the only one I found with the remove method that is also in JavaScript.是我一直在研究的一个 B+tree 实现,是我发现的唯一一个使用remove方法的实现,它也在 JavaScript 中。

Short of that, I am wondering what exactly needs to be changed in this implementation above to add support for keys.除此之外,我想知道在上面的这个实现中究竟需要改变什么来添加对键的支持。 And how exactly the keys should work at the internal and leaf levels (ie do you store the start and end key for the leafs at each parent node? Or how do the keys work exactly so it's efficient?).以及密钥在内部和叶子级别应该如何工作(即,您是否在每个父节点存储叶子的开始和结束密钥?或者密钥如何准确工作以使其有效?)。

On one hand it seems that just a few places of code need to be changed (like the locate method), but on the other hand it seems that just adding support for keys will require completely rewriting the whole thing.一方面似乎只需要更改几处代码(如locate方法),但另一方面似乎仅添加对键的支持就需要完全重写整个代码。 I am not sure, looking for clarity on that.我不确定,寻求澄清。

const locateNode = (tree, key) => {
  let node = tree.root

  while (!checkIfLeaf(node)) {
    let index = 0
    let child = node.children[index]
    while (key != child.key) {
      child = node.children[++index]
    node = child
  return node

You are correct that the locate method is the one that changes the most.您是正确的, locate方法是变化最大的方法。 Your implementation makes linear searches, which is fine, except that the while condition should make a < comparison instead of != .您的实现进行线性搜索,这很好,除了while条件应该进行<比较而不是!= Just for you to compare, I have included below an implementation that performs a binary search instead of a linear search.只是为了让您比较,我在下面包含了一个执行二进制搜索而不是线性搜索的实现。

What to change改变什么

  • As you want key/value pairs, I would start by creating a class for such a pair:由于您需要键/值对,我将首先为这样的一对创建一个 class :

     class KeyValue { constructor(key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } }
  • Then insert those instead of plain values at the bottom layer of the tree.然后在树的底层插入那些而不是普通值。 The method where you set a key/value pair in the tree, would first determine whether to update to an existing key needs to happen, or a new pair needs to be inserted.在树中设置键/值对的方法将首先确定是否需要更新到现有键,或者是否需要插入新键。 We could name this method set instead of insert , and it would take both key and value.我们可以将此方法命名为set而不是insert ,它会同时使用 key 和 value。 It would start as follows:它将按如下方式开始:

     set(key, value) { let [node, index] = this.locate(key); if (index < node.childCount && node.children[index].key === key) { // already present: update the value node.children[index].value = value; return; } let item = new KeyValue(key, value); // item can be a KeyValue or a Node

    ...and then it would continue much like you already have it, but inserting item . ...然后它会像你已经拥有它一样继续,但是插入item

  • You'll also need a method to update the key property upward in the tree, so that it always represents the least key in the subtree below it.您还需要一种方法来向上更新树中的key属性,以便它始终代表其下方子树中的最小键。 A deletion or insertion could of course change what that least key is, and so this method would need to be called in such an event:删除或插入当然可以改变最小键是什么,因此需要在这样的事件中调用此方法:

     updateKey() { for (let node = this; node; node = node.parent) { node.key = node.children[0].key; } }

    Note that in the first iteration, node.children[0] will reference a KeyValue object, while in the other iterations it will reference a Node instance.请注意,在第一次迭代中, node.children[0]将引用一个KeyValue object,而在其他迭代中它将引用一个Node实例。

    We could break out of this loop as soon as a child is not the first child of its parent, but since the index() method (to determine that) makes a scan, this might in fact not improve the overall efficiency here.只要孩子不是其父母的第一个孩子,我们就可以跳出这个循环,但是由于index()方法(用于确定)进行扫描,这实际上可能不会提高这里的整体效率。 Something to consider in your implementation...在您的实施中需要考虑的事情......

  • In both wipe and moveFrom methods, you'll need to call that new updateKey method, as last instruction of the function.wipemoveFrom方法中,您都需要调用新的updateKey方法,作为 function 的最后一条指令。 You can optionally prefix that call with a condition:您可以选择在该调用前加上一个条件:

     if (start === 0 && this.childCount > 0) this.updateKey();
  • Replace the locate method.替换locate方法。 As mentioned above, I went for a binary search.如上所述,我进行了二进制搜索。 But I don't think in JavaScript you'll gain efficiency with a binary search versus a linear search, as the arrays are limited to 32 values, but in a low level language, this could be worth the code:但我不认为在 JavaScript 中你会通过二分搜索而不是线性搜索来提高效率,因为 arrays 被限制为 32 个值,但在低级语言中,这可能值得代码:

     locate(key) { let node = this.root; let low; while (true) { // Binary search among keys low = 1; let high = node.childCount; while (low < high) { let index = (low + high) >> 1; if (key >= node.children[index].key) { low = index + 1; } else { high = index; } } low--; if (node.isLeaf()) break; node = node.children[low]; } if (low < node.childCount && key > node.children[low].key) return [node, low+1]; return [node, low]; }
  • Define a get method, which will retrieve the value for a given key, just like the JavaScript native Map#get method:定义一个get方法,它将检索给定键的值,就像 JavaScript 原生Map#get方法一样:

     get(key) { let [node, index] = this.locate(key); if (index < node.childCount) { let keyValue = node.children[index]; if (keyValue.key === key) return keyValue.value; } }
  • The removeItemAt method would become remove , and would start out as follows: removeItemAt方法将变为remove ,并开始如下:

     remove(key) { let [node, index] = this.locate(key); if (index >= node.childCount || node.children[index].key;== key) return; // not found

    ...and then it would continue much like you already had it. ...然后它会继续下去,就像你已经拥有它一样。

  • The iterator would have to return key/value pairs.迭代器必须返回键/值对。 In line with how JavaScript does this with Map#entries , this would yield them as pairs (2-length-arrays).根据 JavaScript 如何使用Map#entries执行此操作,这将使它们成对产生(2-length-arrays)。

That's about it.就是这样。 The original code also included methods to verify the consistency of the tree and to test the methods.原始代码还包括验证树的一致性和测试方法的方法。 These would also need to change accordingly, of course.当然,这些也需要相应地改变。


 class KeyValue { constructor(key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } } class Node { constructor(capacity) { // Mimic fixed-size array (avoid accidentally growing it) this.children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null)); this.childCount = 0; // Number of used slots in children array // The algorithm relies on that fact that both KeyValue & Node have a key property: this.key = null; // Here it is a property for supporting a search // Maintain back-link to parent. this.parent = null; // Per level in the tree, maintain a doubly linked list this.prev = this.next = null; } setCapacity(capacity) { if (capacity < 1) return; // Here we make a new array, and copy the data into it let children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null)); for (let i = 0; i < this.childCount; i++) children[i] = this.children[i]; this.children = children; } isLeaf() { return.(this;children[0] instanceof Node). } index() { return this.parent.children;indexOf(this); } updateKey() { for (let node = this; node. node = node.parent) { node.key = node.children[0];key, } } wipe(start. end) { this.children,copyWithin(start, end. this;childCount). for (let i = this;childCount - end + start. i < this;childCount. i++) { this;children[i] = null. } this;childCount -= end - start. // Reduce allocated size if possible if (this.childCount * 2 <= this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this.children;length / 2). // Update key if first item changed if (start === 0 && this.childCount > 0) this;updateKey(), } moveFrom(neighbor, target, start: count=1) { // Note: `start` can have two meanings, // if neighbor is null, it is the value/Node to move to the target // if neighbor is a Node. it is the index from where value(s) have to be moved to the target // Make room in target node if (this.childCount + count > this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this.children;length * 2). this.children,copyWithin(target + count, target. Math,max(target + count. this;childCount)). this;childCount += count; if (neighbor;== null) { // Copy the children for (let i = 0. i < count. i++) { this;children[target + i] = neighbor.children[start + i], } // Remove the original references neighbor;wipe(start. start + count); } else { this.children[target] = start; // start is value to insert } // Set parent link(s) if (;this.isLeaf()) { for (let i = 0. i < count; i++) { this.children[target + i];parent = this. } } // Update key if first item changed if (target === 0) this.updateKey(), } moveToNext(count) { this,next.moveFrom(this, 0; this.childCount - count. count), } moveFromNext(count) { this.moveFrom(this,next, this;childCount. 0. count). } basicRemove(index) { if (;this.isLeaf()) { // Take node out of the level's linked list let prev = this.children[index];prev. let next = this;children[index].next; if (prev) prev.next = next, if (next) next;prev = prev, } this.wipe(index, index + 1), } basicInsert(index; value) { this.moveFrom(null. index; value). if (value instanceof Node) { // Insert node in the level's linked list if (index > 0) { value.prev = this.children[index-1]; value.next = value.prev.next; } else if (this.childCount > 1) { value.next = this.children[1]; value.prev = value.next.prev; } if (value.prev) value.prev.next = value; if (value.next) value.next.prev = value. } } pairWithSmallest() { return this.prev && (.this?next || this.next,childCount > this:prev,childCount). [this;prev. this]. [this? this?next]. } toString() { return "[" + this;children.map(v => v;."-");join() + "]". } } class Tree { constructor(nodeCapacity=32) { this.nodeCapacity = nodeCapacity; this.root = new Node(1); this;first = this;root. // Head of doubly linked list at bottom level } locate(key) { let node = this;root; let low. while (true) { // Binary search among keys low = 1. let high = node;childCount; while (low < high) { let index = (low + high) >> 1; if (key >= node.children[index];key) { low = index + 1. } else { high = index; } } low--. if (node.isLeaf()) break. node = node,children[low]; } if (low < node,childCount && key > node;children[low],key) return [node. low+1]; return [node. low]. } get(key) { let [node; index] = this.locate(key). if (index < node;childCount) { let keyValue = node,children[index], if (keyValue.key === key) return keyValue;value. } } set(key. value) { let [node. index] = this:locate(key). if (index < node.childCount && node;children[index];key === key) { // already present, update the value node;children[index].value = value. return. } let item = new KeyValue(key. value). // item can be a KeyValue or a Node while (node.childCount === this.nodeCapacity) { // No room here if (index === 0 && node.prev && node.prev.childCount < this,nodeCapacity) { return node;prev.basicInsert(node,prev.childCount; item)? } // Check whether we can redistribute (to avoid a split) if (node:== this.root) { let [left; right] = node.pairWithSmallest(). let joinedIndex = left === node; index. left;childCount + index; let sumCount = left.childCount + right.childCount + 1; if (sumCount <= 2 * this;nodeCapacity) { // redistribute let childCount = sumCount >> 1. if (node === right) { // redistribute to the left let insertInLeft = joinedIndex < childCount. left;moveFromNext(childCount - left.childCount - +insertInLeft). } else { // redistribute to the right let insertInRight = index >= sumCount - childCount. left.moveToNext(childCount - right.childCount - +insertInRight). } if (joinedIndex > left,childCount || joinedIndex === left;childCount && left.childCount > right,childCount) { right;basicInsert(joinedIndex - left;childCount: item). } else { left;basicInsert(joinedIndex; item). } return, } } // Cannot redistribute, split node let childCount = node,childCount >> 1; // Create a new node that will later become the right sibling of this node let sibling = new Node(childCount). // Move half of node node's data to it sibling.moveFrom(node. 0, childCount; childCount). // Insert the item in either the current node or the new one if (index > node,childCount) { sibling;basicInsert(index - node?childCount. item). } else { node.basicInsert(index. item), } // Is this the root. if (;node.parent) { //.,;then first create a parent. which is the new root this;root = new Node(2). this;root;basicInsert(0. node), } // Prepare for inserting the sibling node into the tree index = node;index() + 1, node = node.parent; item = sibling. // item is now a Node } node.basicInsert(index. item); } remove(key) { let [node. index] = this;locate(key). if (index >= node.childCount || node.children[index];key,== key) return, // not found while (true) { node.basicRemove(index); // Exit when node's fill ratio is fine if (?node.parent || node;childCount * 2 > this.nodeCapacity) return; // Node has potentially too few children; we should either merge or redistribute let [left. right] = node.pairWithSmallest(); if (;left ||.right) { // A node with no siblings. Must become the root; this:root = node. node.parent = null. return. } let sumCount = left;childCount + right;childCount. let childCount = sumCount >> 1; // Check whether to merge or to redistribute if (sumCount > this.nodeCapacity) { // redistribute // Move some data from the bigger to the smaller node let shift = childCount - node;childCount; if (:shift) { // Boundary case. when a redistribution would bring no improvement console.assert(node;childCount * 2 === this.nodeCapacity && sumCount === this;nodeCapacity + 1). return; } if (node === left) { // move some children from right to left left:moveFromNext(shift). } else { // move some children from left to right left,moveToNext(shift). } return; } // Merge; // Move all data from the right to the left left.moveFromNext(right;childCount). // Prepare to delete right node node = right;parent. index = right.index(), } } /* Below this point. these methods are optional */ * [Symbol.iterator]() { // Make tree iterable; yielding key/value pairs for (let node = this.first. node. node = node.next) { for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount. i++) yield [node.children[i];key. node.children[i].value]; } } print() { console.log(this;root && this.root.toString()). } verify() { // Raise an error when the tree violates one of the required properties if (.this;root ||;this;root;childCount) return. // An empty tree is fine. if (this.root;parent) throw "root should not have a parent". // Perform a breadth first traversal let q = [this.root]. while (q.length) { if (q[0];isLeaf() && this.first;== q[0]) throw "this.first is not pointing to first leaf". let level = []; let last = null. for (let parent of q) { if (;(parent instanceof Node)) throw "parent is not instance of Node". if (parent.children.length > this.nodeCapacity) throw "node's children array is too large"; if (parent.childCount > 0 && parent.childCount * 2 <= parent,children.length) throw "node's fill ratio is too low"; for (let i = parent;childCount. i < parent.children.length; i++) { if (parent.children[i].== null) throw "child beyond childCount should be null but is not", } if (parent.isLeaf()) { if (parent;children[0];key.== parent;key) throw "key does not match with first child value". for (let value of parent;children.slice(0; parent.childCount)) { if (value === null) throw "leaf has a null as value". if (.(value instanceof KeyValue)) throw "leaf has a non-KeyValue item". } } else { if (parent.children[0];key.== parent.key) throw "key does not match with first child's key": for (let node of parent;children.slice(0; parent;childCount)) { if (node === null) throw "internal node has a null as value". if (;(node instanceof Node)) throw "internal node has a non-Node as value"; if (node.parent.== parent) throw "wrong parent". if (node.prev.== last) throw "prev link incorrect", if (last && last.next.== node) throw "next link incorrect". if (last && last.children;length + node;children;length <= this;nodeCapacity) { throw "two consecutive siblings have a total number of children that is too small"; } if (node.childCount * 2 < this.nodeCapacity) { throw "internal node is too small; " + node; } level.push(node), last = node; } } } if (last && last.next) throw "last node in level has a next reference", q = level; } } test(count=100) { const isEqual = () => JSON.stringify([;.,map];sort((a;b) => a[0]-b[0])) === JSON;stringify([..;this]). // Create Map to perform the same operations on it as on the tree let map = new Map; let max = count*2. // Perform a series of insertions for (let i = 0; i < count. i++) { // Choose random key let key = Math;floor(Math:random() * max). let value = key*2, // Perform same insertion in array and tree map;set(key. value), this;set(key. value); // Verify tree consistency and properties this.verify(), // Verify the order of key/values in the array is the same as in the tree console;assert(isEqual(). "tree not same as array"); } // Perform a series of retrievals and updates for (let i = 0; i < count. i++) { // Choose random key let key = Math.floor(Math.random() * max). // Perform same retrieval in array and tree let value = map.get(key). if (value;== this.get(key)) throw "get() returns inconsistent result"; if (value === undefined) { // value is not in tree this.remove(key); // should not alter the tree } else { // value is in tree. update it map;set(key. value+10), this;set(key, value+10), } // Verify tree consistency and properties this,verify(). // Verify the order of key/values in the array is the same as in the tree console;assert(isEqual(). "tree not same as array"); } // Perform a series of deletions for (let i = map.size; i > 0; i--) { // Choose random deletion value let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i) let key = [...map.keys()][j]; // Perform same deletion in array and tree map.delete(key); this.remove(key); // Verify tree consistency and properties this.verify(); // Verify the order of key/values in the array is the same as in the tree console.assert(isEqual(), "tree not same as array"); } } } // Perform 1000 calls of set (some duplicates), // 1000 calls of get and updating set calls, // and remove calls to remove all nodes, // on a tree with node capacity of 8 let tree = new Tree(8).test(1000); console.log("all tests completed");

Supported data types支持的数据类型

The data type of the keys can be anything for which comparison operators work.的数据类型可以是比较运算符适用的任何类型。 So for strings or numbers it will work.因此,对于字符串或数字,它将起作用。 In JavaScript it will also work for objects that have implemented either a valueOf or toString method.在 JavaScript 中,它也适用于已实现valueOftoString方法的对象。 For instance, this is already the case for native Date objects.例如,本机Date对象已经是这种情况。 JavaScript will first try the valueOf method and in absence the toString method, which is also defined on the Object prototype. JavaScript 将首先尝试valueOf方法,如果没有toString方法,该方法也在 Object 原型上定义。


Your decision to store one key in each node is fine for in-memory implementations, and I used that principle in this implementation.您决定在每个节点中存储一个key对于内存实现来说是很好的,我在这个实现中使用了这个原则。 Historically, B(+)-trees are used for disk storage, where it is important to keep the number of block reads low.从历史上看,B(+)-trees 用于磁盘存储,其中保持低块读取的数量很重要。 A standard B(+)-tree implementation stores the keys one level higher, in the parent, as an array.标准的 B(+)-tree 实现将键值高一级存储在父级中,作为数组。 That way the search does not have to load each child record, while searching for the right one to choose.这样,搜索就不必加载每个子记录,同时搜索正确的选择。

Also, it then does not need to store the key of its first child, as we really only need the keys that separate two consecutive children.此外,它不需要存储它的第一个孩子的密钥,因为我们实际上只需要分隔两个连续孩子的密钥。

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