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Python 仅从 text/json 中删除单个特定字符

[英]Python strip only single specific characters from text/json

I'm currently trying to scrape data from a website and want to automatically save them.我目前正在尝试从网站上抓取数据并希望自动保存它们。 I want to format the data before so I can use them as cvs or similar.我想先格式化数据,以便可以将它们用作 cvs 或类似的。 The json is: json 是:


My code is:我的代码是:

x = '{"counts":{"default":"27","quick_mode1":"48","quick_mode2":"13","custom":"281","quick_mode3":"0","total":369}}'

y = json.loads(x)


But due to the {"counts": on the beginning and the corresponding } on the end I can't just use it as a normal json file because the formatting breaks and it just puts an error message out ( json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) ), when I remove the characters manually it then works again.但是由于{"counts":在开头和相应的}结尾,我不能将它用作普通的 json 文件,因为格式中断并且它只会发出错误消息( json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) ),当我手动删除字符时,它会再次起作用。

How can I get rid of only those 2 parts?我怎样才能摆脱这两个部分?

I think that json library should go along with this, but if it really is an issue you can't get rid of, you could remove all occurrences of { and } characters in the string you are are receiving with .replace() function.我认为json库应该与此一起使用 go ,但如果这确实是您无法摆脱的问题,您可以使用.replace() ZC1C1AB5068E68A47 删除您收到的字符串中所有出现的{}字符。

This requires chaining for every character you want to remove and is rather not an optimal solution, but as far as the strings you are processing are not long and/or you are not concerned about efficiency this should do just fine.这需要为您要删除的每个字符进行链接,这不是最佳解决方案,但只要您正在处理的字符串不长和/或您不关心效率,这应该就可以了。


my_var.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')

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