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如何解决 LibreOffice Calc 中的函数错误

[英]How to solve functions error in LibreOffice Calc

I am trying to do a split expenses in libreoffice calc and I have referred to others people template.我正在尝试在 libreoffice calc 中进行拆分费用,并且我已经参考了其他人的模板。 However, my LibreOffice Calc keeps showing error of "#value.".但是,我的 LibreOffice Calc 一直显示“#value.”错误。



It seems that you want an array operation.看来你想要一个数组操作。 Finish the edit of the formula with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, see Array Functions .使用 Ctrl-Shift-Enter 完成公式的编辑,请参阅数组函数

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