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[英]How the browser know which one to delete?

 var b=0 const btn = document.getElementById(`add`); btn.addEventListener(`click`, function(){ b++; console.log(b) for (let i = b; i <= b; i++) { var num = i.toString(); var yazi = document.getElementById("yazi").value; const li = document.createElement("li"); li.className = `todos${num}`; li.innerHTML = `<div id= "yazii">${yazi}</div><div id="sil"><button class="x" id="x${num}">X</button> </div>`; document.getElementById("todo").appendChild(li); console.log(yazi); const sil = document.getElementById(`x${num}`); console.log(sil); sil.addEventListener(`click`, function(){ console.log(sil); sil.parentElement.parentElement.remove(); }) } });
 <div class="container"> <div class="todoheader">To-Do List <div id="sag"><input type="text" id="yazi"><button id="add">Add</button></div></div> <div class="todocontainer"> <ul id="todo"> </ul> </div> </div>

Im learning beginner javascript as a hobby.我学习初学者 javascript 作为爱好。 Tried to create a simple to-do list.试图创建一个简单的待办事项列表。 It worked but after i reviewed the code, i cant understand why and how it worked.它起作用了,但是在我查看了代码之后,我无法理解它为什么以及如何起作用。 I declared "sil" as const and give it a value in every loop again and again.我将“sil”声明为 const,并在每个循环中一次又一次地给它一个值。

1-In udemy course instrıctor pointed that const values cant be changed, so how could it worked? 1-在 udemy 课程中,讲师指出 const 值无法更改,那么它是如何工作的?

2- "sil.addEventListener" -> How this listeners function deleted the correct list element? 2-“sil.addEventListener”->这个监听器function如何删除正确的列表元素?

I declared "sil" as const and give it a value in every loop again and again.我将“sil”声明为 const,并在每个循环中一次又一次地给它一个值。

In udemy course instrıctor pointed that const values cant be changed, so how could it worked?在 udemy 课程中,instrıctor 指出 const 值无法更改,那么它是如何工作的呢?

Every iteration of the loop creates a new environment so every iteration basically has its own sil variable.循环的每次迭代都会创建一个新环境,因此每次迭代基本上都有自己的sil变量。 You are never assigning a new value to an existing sil variable (which would not work as already mentioned).您永远不会为现有的sil变量分配新值(如前所述,这将不起作用)。

"sil.addEventListener" -> How this listeners function deleted the correct list element? "sil.addEventListener" -> 这个监听器function怎么删除了正确的列表元素?

For the same reason: Every iteration has its own sil variable.出于同样的原因:每次迭代都有自己的sil变量。 In each iteration a new event handler is created which has access to that variable.在每次迭代中,都会创建一个可以访问该变量的新事件处理程序。 The variable holds a reference to the element processed in that iteration of the loop.该变量保存对在该循环迭代中处理的元素的引用。

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