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“'Mapper' 中的 map(From)' 与 'CursorToMessageImpl' 中的 'map(Object)' 冲突;两种方法具有相同的擦除,但都不会覆盖另一个

[英]"map(From)' in 'Mapper' clashes with 'map(Object)' in 'CursorToMessageImpl'; both methods have same erasure, yet neither overrides the other

This is code in kotlin.这是 kotlin 中的代码。 Showing error Type inference failed: inline fun T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T cannot be applied to receiver: Message arguments: (Message.() -> Any).显示错误类型推断失败:inline fun T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T 无法应用于接收器:消息 arguments: (Message.() -> Any)。

**map(From)' in 'Mapper' clashes with 'map(Object)' in 'CursorToMessageImpl'; 'Mapper' 中的 **map(From)' 与 'CursorToMessageImpl' 中的 'map(Object)' 冲突; both methods have same erasure, yet neither overrides the other **两种方法都有相同的擦除,但都没有覆盖另一个**

class CursorToMessageImpl @Inject constructor(
private val context: Context,
private val cursorToPart: CursorToPart,
private val keys: KeyManager,
private val permissionManager: PermissionManager,
private val preferences: Preferences) : CursorToMessage
private val uri = Uri.parse("content://mms-sms/complete-conversations")
    private val projection = arrayOf(



    override fun map(from: Pair<Cursor, CursorToMessage.MessageColumns>): Message {
        val cursor = from.first
        val columnsMap = from.second

        return Message().apply {
            type = when {
                cursor.getColumnIndex(MmsSms.TYPE_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN) != -1 -> cursor.getString(columnsMap.msgType)
                cursor.getColumnIndex(Mms.SUBJECT) != -1 -> "mms"
                cursor.getColumnIndex(Sms.ADDRESS) != -1 -> "sms"
                else -> "unknown"

            id = keys.newId()
            threadId = cursor.getLong(columnsMap.threadId)
            contentId = cursor.getLong(columnsMap.msgId)
            date = cursor.getLong(columnsMap.date)
            dateSent = cursor.getLong(columnsMap.dateSent)
            read = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.read) != 0
            locked = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.locked) != 0
            subId = if (columnsMap.subId != -1) cursor.getInt(columnsMap.subId)

            else -1

            when (type) {
                "sms" -> {
                    address = cursor.getString(columnsMap.smsAddress) ?: ""
                    boxId = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.smsType)
                    seen = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.smsSeen) != 0

                    body = columnsMap.smsBody
                            .takeIf { column -> column != -1 } // The column may not be set
                            ?.let { column -> cursor.getString(column) } ?: "" // cursor.getString() may return null

                    errorCode = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.smsErrorCode)
                    deliveryStatus = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.smsStatus)

                "mms" -> {
                    address = getMmsAddress(contentId)
                    boxId = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.mmsMessageBox)
                    date *= 1000L
                    dateSent *= 1000L
                    seen = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.mmsSeen) != 0
                    mmsDeliveryStatusString = cursor.getString(columnsMap.mmsDeliveryReport) ?: ""
                    errorType = if (columnsMap.mmsErrorType != -1) cursor.getInt(columnsMap.mmsErrorType) else 0
                    messageSize = 0
                    readReportString = cursor.getString(columnsMap.mmsReadReport) ?: ""
                    messageType = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.mmsMessageType)
                    mmsStatus = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.mmsStatus)
                    val subjectCharset = cursor.getInt(columnsMap.mmsSubjectCharset)
                    subject = cursor.getString(columnsMap.mmsSubject)
                            ?.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }
                            ?.let { _root_ide_package_.app.google.android.mms.pdu_alt.EncodedStringValue(subjectCharset, it).string } ?: ""
                    textContentType = ""
                    attachmentType = Message.AttachmentType.NOT_LOADED

                    parts.addAll(cursorToPart.getPartsCursor(contentId)?.map { cursorToPart.map(it) } ?: listOf())
                else -> -1

**and interference mapper is :-**

interface Mapper<in From, out To> {

    fun map(from: From): To

I'm not 100% sure this is your issue, but since else -> -1 in your when statement doesn't accomplish anything, try removing it.我不是 100% 确定这是您的问题,但是由于else -> -1在您的when语句中没有完成任何事情,请尝试将其删除。 A when statement doesn't have to be exhaustive when it isn't being forced to be evaluated as an expression (by assigning its result to a variable or property).当不强制将 when 语句作为表达式求值时(通过将其结果分配给变量或属性) when语句不必是详尽无遗的。

else -> -1 at the bottom of your when statement causes it to be a when expression that returns Any . else -> -1在你的when语句的底部使它成为一个返回Anywhen表达式 Usually, the compiler can interpret a lambda ending in an expression other than Unit as having an implicit return of Unit if there are no overloads that it would otherwise match.通常,编译器可以将 lambda 以除 Unit 以外的表达式结尾的表达式解释为具有Unit的隐式返回,如果没有其他情况下会匹配的重载。 But there may be some cases where the involved classes are complex enough to prevent it from deducing that.但是在某些情况下,所涉及的类足够复杂,无法推断出这一点。


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