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Bash 脚本:我的减法问题

[英]Bash script : problem with my substraction

I would like to make a script that will calculate the difference of download time between two curl.我想制作一个脚本来计算两个 curl 之间的下载时间差异。

For example with this command:例如,使用此命令:

curl -s -w 'total : %{time_total}\n' https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.1/ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso -o ubuntu.iso >> total.txt

My curl command will be run each day and I would like to make a substraction between the value of the day and the value of the previous day.我的 curl 命令将每天运行,我想在当天的值和前一天的值之间进行减法。 For that, I will save the time_total value of each day in an external file called total.txt:为此,我将每天的time_total值保存在一个名为 total.txt 的外部文件中:

total : 77,844315
total : 95,531319
total : 91,270609
total : 79,185359
total : 94,861921

For that, this is my script:为此,这是我的脚本:


Previous_value=$(cat total.txt| awk '{print $3}' | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 )
Current_value=$(cat total.txt | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n 2 | tail -n 1 )

echo "Yesterday download time : "$Previous_value"s"
echo "Today download time : "$Current_value"s"


echo "Download : + "$test"s"

Output: Output:

Yesterday download time : 79,185359s
Today download time : 94,861921s
Download : + 185359s

The result should be Download: + 15.676562s but currently the result is Download: + 185359s .结果应该是Download: + 15.676562s但目前的结果是Download: + 185359s Someone to tell me why?有人告诉我为什么吗?

For more precise math use bc .对于更精确的数学使用bc Also make sure you are entering valid numbers.还要确保您输入的是有效数字。 bc only interprets decimals for separating whole and fractional components so you may want to translate those commas to decimals: tr ',' '.' bc仅解释用于分隔整数和小数部分的小数,因此您可能希望将这些逗号转换为小数: tr ',' '.'

Instead of:代替:

echo $(( $A - $B ))


bc -l <<< "$A - $B"

Specifically for your script:专门针对您的脚本:


Previous_value=$(cat total.txt| awk '{print $3}' | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | tr ',' '.')
Current_value=$(cat total.txt | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n 2 | tail -n 1 | tr ',' '.')

echo "Yesterday download time : "${Previous_value}"s"
echo "Today download time : "${Current_value}"s"

test=$( bc -l <<< "${Current_value} - ${Previous_value}" )

echo "Download : + "$test"s"

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