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else & elif 语句似乎在 Python 中不起作用

[英]else & elif statements seems that is not working in Python

I'm traying to make a simple rock paper scissors game but it seems that the if and elif statement do not respond.我正在制作一个简单的石头剪刀布游戏,但似乎ifelif语句没有响应。 It only print s the else statement.它只print else语句。

Here's the code:这是代码:

from random import randint

rock = '''
---'   ____)

paper = '''
---'   ____)____

scissors = '''
---'   ____)____
t = [rock, paper, scissors]

player = int(input("choose 0 for rock and 1 for paper and 2 for scissors \n"))
cpu = t[randint(0,2)]


if player == 0 and cpu == 2:
  print("YOU WIN")

elif cpu == 0 and player == 2:
  print("YOU LOSt")

elif player == 1 and cpu == 0:
  print("you win")

elif cpu == 1 and player == 0:
  print(" YOU LOST")

  print("this is invalid input! ")  

I think you want cpu = randint(0,2) so that it's just the int.我认为您想要cpu = randint(0,2)以便它只是 int。 Then later when you need the string, replace cpu with t[cpu]然后稍后当您需要字符串时,将cpu替换为t[cpu]

change this line cpu = t[randint(0,2)] to this cpu = randint(0,2)将此行cpu = t[randint(0,2)]更改为此cpu = randint(0,2)

As others mentioned, you need to change the two lines to:正如其他人提到的,您需要将这两行更改为:

cpu = randint(0,2)

By the way, there is a simple way to determine the outcome without if-statements:顺便说一句,有一种简单的方法可以在没有 if 语句的情况下确定结果:

from random import randint

rock = '''
---'   ____)

paper = '''
---'   ____)____

scissors = '''
---'   ____)____

outcome = ["DRAW", "YOU LOST", "YOU WON"]
t = [rock, paper, scissors]

player = int(input("choose 0 for rock and 1 for paper and 2 for scissors \n"))
cpu = randint(0, 2)
result = (cpu - player) % 3


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