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为什么我不能在 microk8s controller 中部署图表,但我可以在 LXD 中部署

[英]Why I cannot deploy charts in microk8s controller but I can do it in LXD

I am learning Juju which I feel its amazing, but having problems as usual and very little around to find people who explain how it works.我正在学习 Juju,我觉得它很棒,但是像往常一样遇到问题,而且周围很少有人能解释它是如何工作的。 I hope any of you can guide me.我希望你们中的任何人都可以指导我。

Question: deploying charts only works in LXD controller. In microk8s does not work.问题:部署图表仅适用于 LXD controller。在 microk8s 中不起作用。 What can I do?我能做什么? Why is this happening?为什么会这样?

Listing Controllers, there are two.列表控制器,有两个。 A microk8s (the one already installed with Ubuntu 20.04) and the一个 microk8s(已经安装了 Ubuntu 20.04)和

LXD Hypervisor for localhost (that I dont know perfectly what it is)

Controller        Model                   User   Access     Cloud/Region         Models  Nodes    HA  Version
lxd-staging*      lxd-staging-model       admin  superuser  localhost/localhost       3      1  none  2.8.7
microk8s-staging  microk8s-staging-model  admin  superuser  microk8s/localhost        2      1     -  2.8.7

Listing models, one for each controller上市型号,各1个controller

administrator@master-ubuntu:~$ juju models -c lxd-staging
Controller: lxd-staging

Model               Cloud/Region         Type  Status     Machines  Access  Last connection
controller          localhost/localhost  lxd   available         1  admin   just now
default             localhost/localhost  lxd   available         0  admin   3 minutes ago
lxd-staging-model*  localhost/localhost  lxd   available         0  admin   31 seconds ago

administrator@master-ubuntu:~$ juju models -c microk8s-staging
Controller: microk8s-staging

Model                    Cloud/Region        Type        Status     Access  Last connection
controller               microk8s/localhost  kubernetes  available  admin   just now
microk8s-staging-model*  microk8s/localhost  kubernetes  available  admin   never connected

Deploying in LXD, works as expected.在 LXD 中部署,按预期工作。

administrator@master-ubuntu:~$ juju models
Controller: lxd-staging

Model               Cloud/Region         Type  Status     Machines  Access  Last connection
controller          localhost/localhost  lxd   available         1  admin   just now
default             localhost/localhost  lxd   available         0  admin   10 minutes ago
lxd-staging-model*  localhost/localhost  lxd   available         0  admin   8 minutes ago

administrator@master-ubuntu:~$ juju deploy mysql mysqldb
Located charm "cs:mysql-58".
Deploying charm "cs:mysql-58".

Deploying in microk8s, error.在microk8s中部署,报错。

administrator@master-ubuntu:~$ juju models
Controller: microk8s-staging

Model                    Cloud/Region        Type        Status     Access  Last connection
controller               microk8s/localhost  kubernetes  available  admin   just now
microk8s-staging-model*  microk8s/localhost  kubernetes  available  admin   never connected

administrator@master-ubuntu:~$ juju deploy mysql mysqldb
ERROR series "xenial" in a kubernetes model not valid

This occurs because the charm hasn't been written with Kube.netes in mind.发生这种情况是因为在编写 charm 时并未考虑 Kube.netes。 In an ideal world, this shouldn't matter, but underlying subsystems do.在理想世界中,这应该无关紧要,但底层子系统却很重要。 There is an ongoing effort to correct this but for now you could maybe use MariaDB for Kube.netes.目前正在努力纠正这个问题,但现在你可以为 Kube.netes 使用MariaDB

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