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如何使用 shinydashboardPlus 的轮播实现动态数量的幻灯片?

[英]How to implement a dynamic number of slides using shinydashboardPlus' carousel?

I wish to use shinydashboardPlus' carousel to display a number of charts.我希望使用 shinydashboardPlus 的轮播来显示许多图表。 The number of these charts can vary on a daily basis from one to ten.这些图表的数量每天可以从 1 到 10 不等。

A cron job runs the R script daily. cron 作业每天运行 R 脚本。

Here is a working example with a fixed number of slides, three.这是一个具有固定数量幻灯片的工作示例,三张。


chart_names <- c( "http://placehold.it/900x500/39CCCC/ffffff&text=Slide+1", 

ui <- dashboardPagePlus(

  header = dashboardHeaderPlus(disable = TRUE ),
  sidebar = dashboardSidebar(width = 0 ),

  body = dashboardBody(
    carousel(indicators = TRUE,
             id = "mycarousel",
               tags$img(src = chart_names[1])
               tags$img(src = chart_names[2])
               tags$img(src = chart_names[3])

server <- function(input, output, session) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

Is this an example of where do.call could be used?这是可以在哪里使用do.call的示例吗?

constructs and executes a function call from a name or a function and a list of arguments to be passed to it.从名称或 function 和要传递给它的 arguments 列表构造并执行 function 调用。

This attempt:这次尝试:

do.call(carousel, as.list(c(id = "mycarousel", "carouselItem(tag$img(src = chart_names[1])")))

results in this error:导致此错误:

Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

How do I programmatically add a previously unknown number of slides to a shinydashboardPlus carousel?如何以编程方式将以前未知数量的幻灯片添加到 shinydashboardPlus 轮播?

The answer was in the doc with the.list parameter?carousel答案在带有 .list 参数的文档中?carousel


nb_items = 5

items = Map(function(i) {carouselItem(
  tags$img(src = paste0("http://placehold.it/900x500/39CCCC/ffffff&text=Slide+", i))
)}, 1:5)

ui <- dashboardPagePlus(
  header = dashboardHeaderPlus(disable = TRUE ),
  sidebar = dashboardSidebar(width = 0 ),
  body = dashboardBody(
    carousel(indicators = TRUE,
             id = "mycarousel",
             .list = items

server <- function(input, output, session) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

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