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无服务器 AWS Lambda 层与 python 包不工作。 奇怪的 hash 添加到 package 名称

[英]Serverless AWS Lambda Layer with python packages not working. Weird hash added to package name

When I manually create a Lambda Layer I add all the code inside the "python" folder as required, zip that folder, upload it and everything works.当我手动创建一个 Lambda 层时,我根据需要将所有代码添加到“python”文件夹中,zip 该文件夹,上传它,一切正常。

However, when I used Serverless (SLS), it correctly packages everything inside a "python.zip", but when I deploy the package folder is suddenly called "python-[HASH]".但是,当我使用无服务器 (SLS) 时,它正确地将所有内容打包在“python.zip”中,但是当我部署 package 文件夹时,它突然被称为“python-[HASH]”。 As a result, I cannot import the python dependencies from that layer.因此,我无法从该层导入 python 依赖项。

Why is there this hash?为什么会有这个hash? Is there a better way to deal with custom packages that are shared across Lambda functions?有没有更好的方法来处理跨 Lambda 函数共享的自定义包?

So it depends on how you package your function, below is my SAM template for function and the corresponding lambda layer:所以就看你怎么package你function了,下面是我的function和对应的lambda层的SAM模板:

        Type: AWS::Serverless::Functionn
        CodeUri: hello_world/
        Handler: app.lambda_handler
        Runtime: python3.8
        Role: !GetAtt LambdaRole.Arn
            - !Ref MyLambdaLayer

            Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion
                LayerName: MyLambdaLayer
                ContentUri: lambda-layer/
                - python3.8
                RetentionPolicy: Retain

And my directory structure for the packaging is:我的包装目录结构是:

├── README.md
├── hello_world
│   ├── app.py
│   └── requirements.txt
├── lambda-layer
│   └── python
│       └── lib
│           └── python3.8
│               └── site-packages
│                   └── hello.py
├── samconfig.toml
└── template.yaml

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