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NerdTree 或 FZF 忽略 .env 文件

[英]NerdTree or FZF ignores .env files

Either nerdtree or fzf ignores.env, I have a.env in my working folder, but I can't find it with fzf nor in nerdtree. nerdtree 或 fzf ignores.env,我的工作文件夹中有一个 .env,但我在 fzf 和 nerdtree 中都找不到它。

Here's my vimrc: https://github.com/dipzera/nvim这是我的 vimrc: https://github.com/dipzera/nvim

For NERDTree, try对于 NERDTree,请尝试

let NERDTreeShowHidden=1

For fzf, it depends on what command you're running/if you're using ag or rg , but you'll need to add a "hidden" flag to the arguments.对于 fzf,这取决于您正在运行什么命令/如果您使用的是agrg ,但您需要向 arguments 添加一个“隐藏”标志。 For instance,例如,


will make it so that :FZF will let you search for hidden files using find .将使:FZF允许您使用find搜索隐藏文件。 You'll want to modify that to use whatever program you prefer instead.您需要修改它以使用您喜欢的任何程序。 I believe you can also set this variable in your .bashrc instead of in your init.vim but that's up to you.我相信您也可以在.bashrc而不是init.vim中设置此变量,但这取决于您。

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