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将参数传递给 function

[英]Passing Argument into function

Write a C program to read a rupee amount (integer value) and break it up into the smallest possible number of bank notes.编写一个 C 程序来读取一个卢比金额(整数值)并将其分解成尽可能少的钞票。 Assume bank notes are in the denominations 2000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10.假设纸币的面额为 2000、500、200、100、50、20 和 10。

I am trying to pass amount into the denCAL() function and want to update it everytime the function is called but the value of amount remains same.我正在尝试将 amount 传递给 denCAL() function 并希望在每次调用 function 时更新它,但 amount 的值保持不变。

Please provide the solution for my problem and a better approach for the solution and also do le me know some good programming practises which are missing here.请为我的问题提供解决方案和更好的解决方案,并让我知道这里缺少的一些良好的编程实践。

#include <stdio.h>
int amount, note, den;
int denCAL(amount, den){
note = amount/den;
amount -= note*den;
printf("Number of %d notes are:%d\n",     den, note);
int notes(){
printf("Enter the amount in rupees: ");
scanf("%d", &amount);
if(amount >= 2000){
    denCAL(amount, 2000);
if(amount >= 500){
    denCAL(amount, 1000);
if(amount >= 200){
    denCAL(amount, 500);
if(amount >= 100){
    denCAL(amount, 100);
if(amount >= 50){
    denCAL(amount, 50);
if(amount >= 20){
    denCAL(amount, 20);
if(amount >= 10){
    denCAL(amount, 10);
int main(){


Enter the amount in rupees: 30020
Number of 2000 notes are: 15
Number of 1000 notes are: 30
Number of 500 notes are: 60
Number of 100 notes are: 300
Number of 50 notes are: 600
Number of 20 notes are: 1501
Number of 10 notes are: 3002
int nominals[] = {2000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 0};

void getNominals(unsigned money, int *result)
    int *nm = nominals;
    while(*nm && money)
        *result++ = money / *nm;
        money %= *nm++;

int main(void)
    int result[sizeof(nominals) / sizeof(nominals[0])] = {0};

    getNominals(30020, result);

    for(size_t index = 0; nominals[index]; index++)
        printf("%d = %d\n", nominals[index], result[index]);

But in your code you need:但是在您的代码中,您需要:

add the return statement:添加return语句:

int denCAL(amount, den)
    int note = amount/den;
    amount -= note*den;
    printf("Number of %d notes are:%d\n",     den, note);
    return amount;

and then in every if change denCAL(amount, ...);然后在每个 if 更改denCAL(amount, ...); to amount = denCAL(amount, ...); to amount = denCAL(amount, ...);

The reason why you're not updating your amount variable, even considering it's a global, it's because in your function denCAL() , by passing amount as a parameter, you're accessing a copy of it.您不更新amount变量的原因,即使考虑到它是全局变量,这是因为在您的 function denCAL()中,通过将amount作为参数传递,您正在访问它的副本。 Also you need to specify the type of the input parameters in your function prototype.您还需要在 function 原型中指定输入参数的类型。 You should change the code like this:您应该像这样更改代码:

void denCAL(int den){ // amount is global, no need to pass it
note = amount/den;
amount -= note*den;
printf("Number of %d notes are:%d\n",     den, note);

void notes(){
    printf("Enter the amount in rupees: ");
    scanf("%d", &amount);
    if(amount >= 2000){
    /* rest of code */

Another approach you could use, instead of using a global variable, is to use pointers for example.您可以使用的另一种方法是使用指针,而不是使用全局变量。 You could define amount inside notes() , and remove the global you've already declared.您可以在notes()中定义amount ,并删除您已经声明的全局变量。

void denCAL(int* amount, int den){ // passing amount by ADDRESS (so it gets modified)
note = (*amount)/den;
(*amount) -= note*den;
printf("Number of %d notes are:%d\n",     den, note);

void notes(){
    int amount;
    printf("Enter the amount in rupees: ");
    scanf("%d", &amount);
    if(amount >= 2000){
        denCAL(&amount, 2000);
    /* rest of code */

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