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为什么我在 Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue 上找不到任何文档

[英]Why can't I find any documentation on Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

SQS client raises Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue error when queue is not found. SQS 客户端在未找到队列时引发Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue错误。 But, why但为什么

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/SQS/Errors.html This doc doesn't mention a thing about it. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/SQS/Errors.html这个文档没有提到它。 However, I found it here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_GetQueueUrl.html#API_GetQueueUrl_Errors .但是,我在这里找到了https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_GetQueueUrl.html#API_GetQueueUrl_Errors But, this is a general api doc, not specific to Ruby.但是,这是一个通用的 api 文档,并非特定于 Ruby。

Is documentation missing, is there a simple way to find what errors are being thrown?是否缺少文档,是否有一种简单的方法可以找到抛出的错误?

The docs were likely generated with yard however digging through the git repo I was only able to find version 2x tags and no version 3 tagged anywhere.这些文档很可能是用yard生成的,但是在挖掘 git 存储库时,我只能找到版本 2x 的标签,而在任何地方都找不到版本 3 的标签。 Only thing I could find was this commit which added the feature specs.我唯一能找到的是这个添加了功能规范的提交 Somehow it seems this never made it into the yard code in docs.不知何故,这似乎从未进入文档中的院子代码。 I'm not sure what version 3 is referring to.我不确定第 3 版指的是什么。

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