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使用 CommonOpenFileDialog 到 select 一个文件夹,但仍显示 Windows 10 文件夹中的文件

[英]Using a CommonOpenFileDialog to select a folder but still show files within the folder in Windows 10

I'm trying to use CommonOpenFileDialog to allow users to select a folder, but also view the files that within the folder in the dialog.我正在尝试使用CommonOpenFileDialog来允许用户在 select 一个文件夹中,而且还可以在对话框中查看该文件夹内的文件。 Currently my code allows the user to only select a folder, but files within it are hidden, which causes users to think they have selected a wrong (empty) folder.目前我的代码只允许用户 select 一个文件夹,但其中的文件是隐藏的,这导致用户认为他们选择了错误的(空)文件夹。

using (var dlg = new CommonOpenFileDialog()
    Title = "Select folder to import from",
    AllowNonFileSystemItems = true,
    IsFolderPicker = true,
    EnsurePathExists = true,
    Multiselect = false,
    ShowPlacesList = true
    if (dlg.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
        //Do things with the selected folder and the files within it...

How can I achieve my goal for applications targeting Windows 10?如何实现针对 Windows 10 的应用程序的目标?

NOTE: There is a very similar question titled " How can I make CommonOpenFileDialog select folders only, but still show files? ".注意:有一个非常相似的问题,标题为“ 我如何只制作 CommonOpenFileDialog select 文件夹,但仍显示文件? ”。 This question already has good answers, however, none of the solutions work in Windows 10 .这个问题已经有了很好的答案,但是,没有一个解决方案在 Windows 10 中起作用 Because the existing question is outdated (asked over 9 years ago) and doesn't apply for Windows 10, this question is specifically asking for a solution that works on a Windows 10 device.由于现有问题已过时(9 年前提出)并且不适用于 Windows 10,因此此问题专门要求提供适用于 Windows 10 设备的解决方案。

I think that is not possible with the CommonOpenFileDialog我认为 CommonOpenFileDialog 不可能
See: How to use IFileDialog with FOS_PICKFOLDER while still displaying file names in the dialog请参阅: 如何将 IFileDialog 与 FOS_PICKFOLDER 一起使用,同时仍在对话框中显示文件名

The only way is to create your own custom dialog or you can use folder dialog with P/Invoke (based on SHBrowseForFolder like FolderBrowserDialog ).唯一的方法是创建您自己的自定义对话框,或者您可以使用带有 P/Invoke 的文件夹对话框(基于 SHBrowseForFolder,如FolderBrowserDialog )。
See: http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/shell32.shbrowseforfolder参见: http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/shell32.shbrowseforfolder

Copy the class from the link above and add the option BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES .从上面的链接复制 class 并添加选项BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES

public string SelectFolder(string caption, string initialPath, IntPtr parentHandle)
    _initialPath = initialPath;

Now files are displayed in the dialog unfortunately only like FolderBrowserDialog .不幸的是,现在文件仅像FolderBrowserDialog一样显示在对话框中。

Is it possible to use something similar?是否可以使用类似的东西? Handle FolderChanging event and read the folder name?处理FolderChanging事件并读取文件夹名称?

private string SelectFolder()
    using (var dlg = new CommonOpenFileDialog()
        Title = "Select folder to import from",
        AllowNonFileSystemItems = true,
        IsFolderPicker = true,
        EnsurePathExists = true,
        Multiselect = false,
        ShowPlacesList = true,
        InitialDirectory = "C:\\" //This must be handled manually
        dlg.FolderChanging += Dlg_FolderChanging;
        if (dlg.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
            //Do things with the selected folder and the files within it...
            string selectedFolder = dlg.InitialDirectory;
            string dlgFileName = dlg.FileName;
            if (Directory.Exists(dlgFileName))
                selectedFolder = dlgFileName;
            else if (File.Exists(dlgFileName))
                selectedFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(dlgFileName);
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastKnownFolder))
                selectedFolder = lastKnownFolder;

            return selectedFolder;

    return null;

private string lastKnownFolder = "";

private void Dlg_FolderChanging(object sender, CommonFileDialogFolderChangeEventArgs e)
    lastKnownFolder = e.Folder;

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