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在 C 中使用 fscanf 读取文件

[英]Reading file with fscanf in C

I have c code that reads the file in a while loop, fscanf all the information into url, num and rank variables, and then prints it out.我有 c 代码在 while 循环中读取文件,fscanf 将所有信息放入 url,num 和 rank 变量,然后打印出来。 However, the output is incorrect.但是,output 不正确。

Main questions:主要问题:

  • Why floats are just zeros and how can to fix this?为什么浮点数只是零,如何解决这个问题?
  • How to remove comma after url?如何删除 url 后的逗号? Url can be any length (char url[10] is an example). Url 可以是任意长度(例如 char url[10])。 Would it be better to split the line first on every comma and then use fscanf to add information into variable?首先在每个逗号上拆分行然后使用 fscanf 将信息添加到变量中会更好吗?

I have a file containing following information:我有一个包含以下信息的文件:

url31, 3, 0.2623546
url21, 1, 0.1843112
url34, 6, 0.1576851
url22, 4, 0.1520093
url32, 6, 0.0925755
url23, 4, 0.0776758
url11, 3, 0.0733884 

This is what I get:这就是我得到的:

Link: url21,; Number: 1; Rank: 0.000000
Link: url34,; Number: 6; Rank: 0.000000
Link: url22,; Number: 4; Rank: 0.000000
Link: url32,; Number: 6; Rank: 0.000000
Link: url23,; Number: 4; Rank: 0.000000
Link: url11,; Number: 3; Rank: 0.000000
Link: url11,; Number: 3; Rank: 0.000000

Expected output:预计 output:

Link: url31; Number: 3; Rank: 0.2623546
Link: url21; Number: 1; Rank: 0.1843112
Link: url34; Number: 6; Rank: 0.1576851
Link: url22; Number: 4; Rank: 0.1520093
Link: url32; Number: 6; Rank: 0.0925755
Link: url23; Number: 4; Rank: 0.0776758
Link: url11; Number: 3; Rank: 0.0733884

The code I have:我的代码:

#define MAXSTR 1000

int main () {

    FILE *file;

    char url[10];
    int num;
    float rank;

    if ((file = fopen("pages.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
        return -1;

    while(fgets(lines, MAXSTR, file) != NULL) {

        fscanf(file, "%s %d %f", &url[0], &num, &rank);
        printf("Link: %s; Number: %d; Rank: %f\n", url, num, rank); 

    return 0;

You don't need to use fgets if you are already using fscanf (just keep scanning until you find an EOF ) as well inside your while loop.如果您已经在使用fscanf (只需继续扫描直到找到EOF )以及在 while 循环中,则不需要使用fgets Also, you need to properly define the , as a delimiter otherwise the first %s will read commas into the string as well.此外,您需要正确定义,作为分隔符,否则第一个%s也会将逗号读入字符串。 This while loop works:这个while循环有效:

while(fscanf(file, "%10[^,], %d, %f\n", url, &num, &rank) != EOF) {
    printf("Link: %s; Number: %d; Rank: %f\n", url, num, rank); 

I defined the delimiter as a comma, so the first string should read the characters until a comma is encountered via %10[^,] (read upto 10 characters as mentioned in the format-specifier), followed by a comma, integer, comma, float and then a newline ( \n ).我将分隔符定义为逗号,因此第一个字符串应该读取字符,直到通过%10[^,]遇到逗号(如格式说明符中所述,最多读取 10 个字符),后跟一个逗号,integer,逗号, float 然后是换行符 ( \n )。

Output: Output:

Link: url31; Number: 3; Rank: 0.262355
Link: url21; Number: 1; Rank: 0.184311
Link: url34; Number: 6; Rank: 0.157685
Link: url22; Number: 4; Rank: 0.152009
Link: url32; Number: 6; Rank: 0.092575
Link: url23; Number: 4; Rank: 0.077676
Link: url11; Number: 3; Rank: 0.073388

I made some changes because the lines in your code gave me errors (probably from compiler or IDE, not sure).我做了一些更改,因为您的代码中的行给了我错误(可能来自编译器或 IDE,不确定)。 It works this way because the comma is not considered a space character.它以这种方式工作,因为逗号不被视为空格字符。

% 5 [^,] means read until you encounter a maximum of five characters or commas. % 5 [^,]表示一直读到最多遇到五个字符或逗号。

  • For example, because url31 has 5 characters, I gave this so you can give different numbers for different operations.例如,因为url31有5个字符,所以我给了这个,所以你可以为不同的操作给不同的数字。

    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>

    int main () {诠释主要(){

     FILE *fp; char url[10]; int num; float rank; fp = fopen("pages.txt", "r"); if(fp == NULL) { perror("Error opening file"); return(-1); } while(fscanf(fp, "%5[^,], %d, %f\n", url, &num, &rank):= EOF) { printf("Link; %s: Number; %d: Rank, %f\n", url, num; rank); } fclose(fp); return(0);

    } }

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