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如何使用 apache POI 根据 excel 中的多列值查找数据

[英]How to find data based on multiple column values in excel using apache POI

I am using the apache poi for reading and writing values to excel file with java.我正在使用 apache poi 使用 java 读取和写入 excel 文件的值。 I have below excel file, from that file i need to fetch data which comes under my required criteria.我有以下 excel 文件,我需要从该文件中获取符合我要求的标准的数据。

Application应用 CaseID案例ID FeeType费用类型 Comments注释
AppA应用程序A 1234 1234 Security安全 Add Comments添加评论
AppB应用程序B 1235 1235 Other其他 Case created已创建案例
AppA应用程序A 1236 1236 Security安全 Added Comments添加评论

In my code I want to get all the cases which comes under below criteria, Application set to "AppA",Fee Type set to "Security" and Comments with "Add Comments".在我的代码中,我想获取所有符合以下条件的案例,应用程序设置为“AppA”,费用类型设置为“安全”,评论带有“添加评论”。

I used below code to filter using two columns for search criteria, but i cannot add the third criteria.我使用下面的代码使用两列作为搜索条件进行过滤,但我无法添加第三个条件。 Please help me.请帮我。

ArrayList<Object> ApplicationCases = new ArrayList<Object>();

    for (Row row : sheetName) {
        for (Cell cell : row) {
            if (cell.getCellType() == CellType.STRING) {
                if (cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString().trim().equals(requiredCellContent1)) {
                    int rowNumber = row.getRowNum();

                    XSSFRow row1 = sheetName.getRow(rowNumber);
                    XSSFCell selectedCellValue = null;

                    short cellcount = row1.getLastCellNum();

                    for (int i = 0; i < cellcount; i++) {

                        if (row1.getCell(i).getRichStringCellValue().getString().trim()
                                .equals(requiredCellContent2)) {
                            selectedCellValue = row1.getCell(1);

                        } else if (selectedCellValue == null || row1.getCell(i).getCellType() == CellType.BLANK) {

Can you so something like below你能像下面这样吗

Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();
while(rows.hasNext()) {
    Row row = rows.next();
    String app = row.getCell(0).getRichStringCellValue().getString();
    String feeType = row.getCell(2).getRichStringCellValue().getString();
    String comment = row.getCell(3).getRichStringCellValue().getString();
    if(app.equals("AppA") && feeType.equals("Security") && comment.equals("Add Comments")) {
        //Here is your condition satisfied

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