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更改 SWIFT 中字典数组中特定键的值

[英]Change value of a particular key in array of dictionaries in SWIFT

Am new to swift and am using an array of multiple dictionaries.我是 swift 的新手,并且正在使用多个字典数组。 So i want to change the value of a particular key.所以我想更改特定键的值。 Please guide me how to achieve it:请指导我如何实现它:

Values In Array:- [ { "Start":"2:00 AM", "End":"2:00 AM" }, { "Start":"3:00 AM", "End":"3:00 AM" } ]数组中的值:- [ { "Start":"2:00 AM", "End":"2:00 AM" }, { "Start":"3:00 AM", "End":"3:00是” } ]

To Do:- I want to change the value of key Start at index 1待办事项:- 我想在索引 1 处更改键Start的值


var aEntry = NSMutableArray.init()

for (index, type) in self.aEntry.enumerated(){
 print("this is index value \(index)")
 print("this is type value \(type)")

 // Value of checkCurrentClickOfStart = 1
    if index == Int(checkCurrentClickOfStart) {
        let (item, newValue) = (index, "\(strHour)")
        if 0 ..< self.aEntry.count ~= index {
            (self.aEntry[index] as? NSMutableDictionary)?["Start"] = newValue

First of all Use Array instead of NSMutableArray See the example code below首先使用 Array 而不是 NSMutableArray 请参见下面的示例代码

 var yourArray = [["Start":"2:00 AM", "End":"2:00 AM"], ["Start":"3:00 AM", "End":"3:00 AM"]]
// Change the value of a key "Start" at Index 1
 yourArray[1].updateValue("2:50 AM", forKey: "Start")

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