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[英]How to handle memo fields in Progress database?

I'm designing a table in a Progress database, which should contain a memo field.我正在 Progress 数据库中设计一个表,该表应包含一个备注字段。 I've created a character field for this, containing up to 500 characters: x(500) .我为此创建了一个字符字段,最多包含 500 个字符: x(500)
However, when I try to add the correponding DB field control to a window, I get error 4132, mentioning that only 320 characters are allowed.但是,当我尝试将相应的 DB 字段控件添加到 window 时,我收到错误 4132,提到只允许 320 个字符。

What can I do in order to add an editor control to a window in order to show the content of that field?为了向 window 添加编辑器控件以显示该字段的内容,我该怎么做?

Thanks in advance提前致谢

Character fields are by default shown as fill-in fields, having a maximum size of 320. In order to allow more, the "VIEW-AS" dialog box must be filled in in the data dictionary, hereby a working example:字符字段默认显示为填充字段,最大大小为 320。为了允许更多,必须在数据字典中填写“VIEW-AS”对话框,这是一个工作示例:

     SIZE 35 BY 6

When this is done, automatically the AppBuilder will put an editor on the window for showing this DB field.完成后,AppBuilder 将自动在 window 上放置一个编辑器,以显示此 DB 字段。

Use the "LARGE" Option on the Editor Widget for more space.使用编辑器小部件上的“大”选项以获得更多空间。 An for a really "large" field in the database, you can look for CLOB instead of Character.对于数据库中真正“大”的字段,您可以查找 CLOB 而不是 Character。 However CLOB is not supported in any indexes.但是,任何索引都不支持 CLOB。 For the limit of CHARACTER fields, please have a look at:关于 CHARACTER 字段的限制,请查看:

https://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Knowledge/P122087 https://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Knowledge/P122087

A DB record is limited to 32k for all fields.所有字段的数据库记录限制为 32k。

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