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[英]Delete Rows in specific columns based on values

I got quite a specific task that im not getting quite right, wondering if anyone could help me out.我有一个非常具体的任务,我不太正确,想知道是否有人可以帮助我。 In my code, I have a big table that gets updated monthly amongst my team, what I want to do is find the column header titled "RD" and then delete all the rows within that column containing the value "Ad-Hoc" (apart from the column header)在我的代码中,我有一个在我的团队中每月更新的大表,我想做的是找到名为“RD”的列 header,然后删除该列中包含值“Ad-Hoc”的所有行(除了从列标题)

Sub Delete_Rows_Based_On_Value()

Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table_owssvr")

    Dim I As Long, finalRow As Long, L As Long
For L = tbl.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
                If Cells(1, L) = "RD" Then
                For I = finalRow To 2 Step -1
                If Range(L, I).Value = "Ad-Hoc" Then
            Range(L, I).EntireRow.Delete
        End If
    Next I
    End If
    Next L

End Sub

wonder if anyone could help me with this and whether im on the right track.想知道是否有人可以帮助我解决这个问题,以及我是否走在正确的轨道上。 thanks谢谢

You're on the right track.你在正确的轨道上。 You need to use tbl.ListColumns.Count listobjects don't have a columns property.您需要使用tbl.ListColumns.Count列表对象没有列属性。

You need to assign finalRow a value, and you have your row and column swapped looking for "Ad-Hoc"您需要为finalRow分配一个值,然后交换行和列以查找“Ad-Hoc”

Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table_owssvr")

Dim I As Long, finalRow As Long, L As Long
For L = tbl.ListColumns.Count To 1 Step -1 'tbl.columns will error
    If Cells(1, L) = "RD" Then
        finalRow = Cells(Rows.Count, L).End(xlUp).Row 'Get the last row in column L
        For I = finalRow To 2 Step -1
            If Cells(I, L).Value = "Ad-Hoc" Then 'L is the column it goes second
                Cells(I, L).EntireRow.Delete
            End If
        Next I
    End If
Next L

Using Autofilter使用自动过滤器

Sub delete_with_filter()
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Dim delrange As Range
    Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table_owssvr")

    With tbl
        .Range.AutoFilter .ListColumns("RD").Index, "Ad-Hoc"
        On Error GoTo errhandler
        Set delrange = .DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        If Not delrange Is Nothing Then
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        End If
        .Range.AutoFilter .ListColumns("RD").Index
    End With
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 1004
            Debug.Print "Exiting Sub, No Cells Found"
            tbl.Range.AutoFilter tbl.ListColumns("RD").Index
            Exit Sub
    End Select

End Sub

Delete Rows in Table删除表中的行

  • This will delete table rows (not worksheet rows).这将删除表格行(不是工作表行)。

The Code编码

Option Explicit

Sub deleteRowsBasedOnValue()
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").ListObjects("Table_owssvr")
        Dim cNum As Long: cNum = .ListColumns("RD").Index
        Dim dRng As Range
        Dim lr As ListRow
        For Each lr In .ListRows
            If lr.Range.Columns(cNum).Value = "Ad-Hoc" Then
                buildRange dRng, lr.Range
            End If
        Next lr
    End With
    If Not dRng Is Nothing Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub buildRange( _
        ByRef BuiltRange As Range, _
        AddRange As Range)
    If BuiltRange Is Nothing Then
        Set BuiltRange = AddRange
        Set BuiltRange = Union(BuiltRange, AddRange)
    End If
End Sub

A lot answers, but I will throw this one in for short and quick.很多答案,但我会简短而快速地抛出这个。 I tested and worked.我测试并工作。

Sub DeleteTableRows()

    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table_owssvr")
    tbl.Range.AutoFilter Field:=tbl.ListColumns("RD").Index, Criteria1:="Ad-Hoc"
    If tbl.Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count > tbl.ListColumns.Count Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End If
End Sub

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