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Discord.py | 我正在尝试使用会员名称和会员 ID 解除我的机器人禁令

[英]Discord.py | I'm trying to make my bot unban with both Member Name and Member ID

My code(Inside a Cog):我的代码(在齿轮内):

import discord
import datetime
from discord.ext import commands

class unban(commands.Cog):

    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    @commands.has_permissions(ban_members = True)
    async def unban(self, ctx, id: int):
        user = await self.client.fetch_user(id)
        await ctx.guild.unban(user)

        unban= discord.Embed(title=f'A moderation action has been performed!', description='', color=0x90fd05)
        #unban.add_field(name='User Affected:', value=f'`{member.name}`', inline=True)
        #unban.add_field(name='User ID:', value=f'`{member.id}`', inline=True)
        unban.add_field(name='Moderator Name:', value=f'`{ctx.author}`', inline=True)
        unban.add_field(name='Moderator ID:', value=f'`{ctx.author.id}`', inline=True)
        unban.add_field(name='Action Performed:', value='`UnBan`', inline=True)
        unban.set_author(name=f'{ctx.guild}', icon_url=ctx.guild.icon_url)
        unban.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        await ctx.send(embed=unban)
def setup(client):

I've made the command so I can unban people.我已经下达了命令,所以我可以解禁人们。 But I can only unban with their ID.但是我只能用他们的ID解禁。 I want it to unban with their Name too.我也希望它用他们的名字解禁。 So how could I do that?那我怎么能这样做呢?

I've also tried replacing the:我也尝试过更换:

async def unban(self, ctx, id: int):


async def unban(self, ctx, member : discord.Member):

but nothing worked.但没有任何效果。 and I've tried using both:我已经尝试使用两者:

async def unban(self, ctx, member : discord.Member, id: int):

but still nothing worked...但仍然没有任何效果......

async def unban(self, ctx, member : discord.Member):

It will not work due to a banned member can only be represented by discord.User or by an ID.由于被禁止的成员只能由discord.User或 ID 表示,因此它不起作用。

async def unban(self, ctx, user_id : int):
    user = await self.client.fetch_user(user_id)
    await ctx.guild.unban(user)

This will only work with ID's so discord can locate the user in their database.这仅适用于 ID,因此 discord 可以在其数据库中找到用户。

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