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如何在 windows 机器上安装 Acquai CLI

[英]How to install Acquai CLI on windows machine

I have tried to install Acquia CLI on windows 10, 64 bit version machine but when try to run command acli auth:login throwing below error.我曾尝试在 windows 10、64 位版本机器上安装 Acquia CLI,但是当尝试运行命令acli auth:login时抛出错误。

Can anybody help me to solve this issue?有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

Warning: mkdir(): Invalid argument in phar://D:/acquia_cloude_ide/acli.phar/vendor/webmozart/json/src/JsonEncoder.php on line 234

In JsonFileStore.php line 325:
  Could not write \/.acquia/cloud_api.conf: failed to open stream: No such fi
  le or directory (2)

In JsonEncoder.php line 283:
  Could not write \/.acquia/cloud_api.conf: failed to open stream: No such fi
  le or directory (2)


I found the problem - it was that the PC I am using did not have HOME environment variable set - at the moment I've set both SYSTEM and USER environment variables pointing to my home directory (which is in c:\users\ ) but I'll do some further testing to narrow it down.我发现了问题 - 我使用的 PC 没有设置 HOME 环境变量 - 目前我已经设置了指向我的主目录的 SYSTEM 和 USER 环境变量(在 c:\users\ 中)但是我会做一些进一步的测试来缩小范围。 Suspect setting system environment variable HOME does it for all users, so probably don't need the user env variable.怀疑设置系统环境变量 HOME 为所有用户执行此操作,因此可能不需要用户环境变量。

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