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如何在 GraphQL 中进行异步查询?

[英]How I can make asynchronous queries in GraphQL?

I'm calling 1 query and mutation.我正在调用 1 个查询和突变。 Mutation works fine, but when I get response from my query I need to redirect user to another page, but In my case, the function is triggered before I get response.突变工作正常,但是当我从查询中获得响应时,我需要将用户重定向到另一个页面,但在我的情况下,function 在我得到响应之前被触发。 How can I prevent this?我怎样才能防止这种情况?

          const renderData = async () => {
            const currentUserId = await data?.signInUserSession?.idToken
            const isAdmin = await data?.signInUserSession?.idToken?.payload[
            localStorage.setItem("userId", currentUserId);

            if (
              currentUserId !== null &&
              currentUserId !== undefined &&
              currentUserId !== ""
            ) {
              Auth.currentSession().then((data) => {
                  variables: {
                    updateUserInput: {
                      id: currentUserId,
                      firstName: data.getIdToken().payload.given_name,
                      lastName: data.getIdToken().payload.family_name,
                variables: {
                  validateUserVerificationCodeInput: {
                    user: {
                      id: currentUserId,

              if (isAdmin === "admin" && isUserCodeValid) {
              } else if (
                isUserCodeValid !== undefined &&
                isUserCodeValid === true
              ) {
              } else if (isUserCodeValid) {
isUserCodeValid - is a response from query

useMutation has onCompleted and refetchQueries options for such cases.对于这种情况,useMutation 具有 onCompleted 和 refetchQueries 选项。 It is hard to write an exact solution for your case since not all code is visible but an example like below can help, I believe:很难为您的案例编写一个确切的解决方案,因为并非所有代码都是可见的,但我相信下面的示例可以提供帮助:

const [addProduct, { data, loading, error }] = useMutation(

 const onFinish = async (fieldNames) => {  
    await addSpending({
      variables: { ...others, ...fieldNames},
      refetchQueries: [{ query: calledQuery }],
      onCompleted: (data) => {
         // your logic 
    if (!error) {

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