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如何将图像添加到本地应用的 Teams 应用清单

[英]How to add an image to a Teams App manifest for a local app

For a local App that will be only available on our own tenant (so no publishing to the MS app store), I want to display an image / image carrousel on the app's "splash screen", just like the image below:对于仅在我们自己的租户上可用的本地应用程序(因此不会发布到 MS 应用程序商店),我想在应用程序的“启动画面”上显示图像/图像轮播,如下图所示:


The image markdown seems to be supported, however when I add the image markdown, like so:似乎支持图像 markdown,但是当我添加图像 markdown 时,如下所示:

![No Image](https://test.com/test_picture.png)

It does not show the image, but the alternative text and a link to the image:它不显示图像,但显示替代文本和图像链接:


How can I display images like the example?如何显示示例中的图像?

This is not part of the manifest.这不是清单的一部分。 You can set this while submitting your app to the app store.您可以在将您的应用提交到应用商店时进行设置。 Please reach out to teamsubm@microsoft.com for any further queries on this.如有任何进一步的疑问,请联系 teamsubm@microsoft.com。

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