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[英]Sort uppercase cells separately from lowercase ones

Sort uppercase cells separately from lowercase ones将大写单元格与小写单元格分开排序


I would like to resolve the following: I want to group cells with mixed content, numbers, lowercase and uppercase words into separate columns so I can sort them separately.我想解决以下问题:我想将具有混合内容、数字、小写和大写单词的单元格分组到单独的列中,以便我可以分别对它们进行排序。 Large tables, tens of thousands of cells, so it should be as automated as possible.大表,数以万计的单元格,因此应该尽可能自动化。

There are currently lowercase and uppercase words in a column, I just want to filter out the uppercase letters from them that come irregularly alternating with the lowercase letters one after the other.当前有一列中有小写和大写单词,我只想从中过滤掉不规则地与小写字母一个接一个交替出现的大写字母。

Even a good sort would be a solution, for example, to separate the lowercase letters from the uppercase letters with one sort, currently I could only type them in alphabetical order, which is not yet a choice between lowercase and uppercase letters.即使是好的排序也是一种解决方案,例如,用一种排序将小写字母与大写字母分开,目前我只能按字母顺序输入它们,这还不是小写字母和大写字母之间的选择。

Eg: a <z <A <Z or A <Z <a <z sorting would be the goal instead of sorting into an alphabet that does not pay attention to the current font size.例如:a <z <A <Z 或 A <Z <a <z 排序将是目标,而不是排序为不注意当前字体大小的字母表。

Now I use OpenOffice Calc (, but every other solutions are welcome, like online tools or in google sheets.现在我使用 OpenOffice Calc (,但欢迎所有其他解决方案,如在线工具或谷歌表格。

How could all this be solved?这一切怎么能解决?

Thanks in advance for your help.在此先感谢您的帮助。 :) :)

try FINDB in google sheets:在谷歌表格中尝试FINDB

 JOIN(,CHAR(ROW(50:150)))))}, 2, 1),,1)



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