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BizTalk 2020 弃用 WCF-BasicHttp

[英]BizTalk 2020 Deprecating WCF-BasicHttp

I just saw on this Microsoft page that that WCF-BasicHTTP adapter is being deprecated in BizTalk 2020.我刚刚在此Microsoft 页面上看到 WCF-BasicHTTP 适配器在 BizTalk 2020 中已被弃用。

In the past, I thought this was used for programs like Java to be able to call orchestrations published as WebServices in BizTalk.过去,我认为这用于 Java 之类的程序,以便能够在 BizTalk 中调用作为 WebServices 发布的编排。 Has Java added full WCF compliance now, which seems strange as WCF is a Microsoft technology (but I know it implements many of the WS2 features).现在 Java 添加了完整的 WCF 合规性,这似乎很奇怪,因为 WCF 是一项 Microsoft 技术(但我知道它实现了许多 WS2 功能)。 Or the other way around, does WSHttp support Java calls?或者反过来说,WSHttp 是否支持 Java 调用?

What about Microsoft PowerShell calling a published orchestration in BizTalk. Microsoft PowerShell 在 BizTalk 中调用已发布的业务流程怎么样。 I was able to get it to work with WCF-BasicHTTP and then quit because it was working.我能够让它与 WCF-BasicHTTP 一起工作,然后因为它正在工作而退出。 Does it support WCF-WSHttp?它支持 WCF-WSHttp 吗?

No, what that page says is that the are deprecating the SOAP adapter and that the replacement for it is the WCF-BasicHTTP adapter不,该页面说的是正在弃用 SOAP 适配器,而替代它的是 WCF-BasicHTTP 适配器

What is deprecated is the WCF-NetTcpRelay adapter弃用的是 WCF-NetTcpRelay 适配器

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