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是否有用于检查代码中注释存在的 Maven 插件?

[英]Is there a Maven plugin for checking annotations presence in code?

I need to ensure that, in specific classes (eg all classes extending some other class), fields annotated with eg @Deprecated are also annotated with @ThisOtherAnnotationMustBeHere.我需要确保,在特定的类中(例如,所有扩展其他类的类),用@Deprecated 等注释的字段也用@ThisOtherAnnotationMustBeHere 注释。

@ThisOtherAnnotationMustBeHere // this must be present if @Deprecated is also present; otherwise build should fail
private String field;

I need in general something to check for the presence of annotations.我通常需要一些东西来检查注释的存在。
I guess I could write a JUnit test for this using reflection, but I was wondering if there was a Maven solution to this.我想我可以使用反射为此编写 JUnit 测试,但我想知道是否有 Maven 解决方案。

Following @khmarbaise suggestion (thanks!) I've used archunit.org to write a unit test for this. 遵循@khmarbaise 的建议(谢谢!)我已经使用archunit.org为此编写了一个单元测试。 In my case I needed to verify that join fields in JPA entities were annotated with a specific custom JsonAdapter在我的情况下,我需要验证 JPA 实体中的连接字段是否使用特定的自定义JsonAdapter进行了注释

class CodeChecksTest {

    public static final ArchRule persistenceIdAnnotationRule = fields().that()

    private static ArchCondition<? super JavaField> beAnnotatedForMyCustomAdapter() {
        return new ArchCondition<JavaField>("annotated with @JsonAdapter(MyCustomAdapter.class)") {
            public void check(JavaField item, ConditionEvents events) {
                final Optional<JsonAdapter> annotation = item.tryGetAnnotationOfType(JsonAdapter.class);
                final boolean satisfied = annotation.isPresent() && annotation.get().value() == MyCustomAdapter.class;
                // createMessage is a utility method
                String message = createMessage(item,
                    (satisfied ? "is " : "is not ") + getDescription());
                events.add(new SimpleConditionEvent(item, satisfied, message));


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