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Gcc 自定义运算符 new[] 和 delete[] 对于对齐的 class 存在错误 - 地址清理程序报告缓冲区溢出

[英]Gcc custom operator new[] and delete[] is buggy for aligned class - address sanitizer reprots buffer overflow

Basically when class has alignment requirement and custom operators new[] and delete[] , then on gcc bad things happen and address sanitizer reports buffer overflow:基本上当 class 有 alignment 要求和自定义运算符new[]delete[]时,然后在 gcc 上发生坏事并且地址清理程序报告缓冲区溢出:


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class EndlineOnDone {
    std::ostream& out;
    EndlineOnDone(std::ostream& out) : out{out} {}
        out << std::endl;
    std::ostream& stream() { return out; }

#define VAR(x) " " #x "=[" << x << "]" 
#define LOG EndlineOnDone(std::cout).stream() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::align_val_t a)
    return out << static_cast<size_t>(a);

class alignas(32) Foo
public :
    double x, y, z;

    void * operator new (size_t s, std::align_val_t a)
        auto p = aligned_alloc(static_cast<size_t>(a), s);
        LOG << VAR(p) << VAR(s) << VAR(a);
        return p;

    void operator delete (void * p, size_t s, std::align_val_t a)
        LOG << VAR(p) << VAR(s) << VAR(a);
        if (p) free(p);

#if 1
    void * operator new[ ] (size_t s, std::align_val_t a)
        auto p = aligned_alloc(static_cast<size_t>(a), s);
        LOG << VAR(p) << VAR(s) << VAR(a);
        return p;

    void operator delete[ ] (void *p, size_t s, std::align_val_t a)
        LOG << VAR(p) << VAR(s) << VAR(a);
        if (p) free(p);

int main()
        LOG << " std::make_unique<Foo>";
        auto p = std::make_unique<Foo>();

        LOG << " std::make_unique<Foo[]>";
        auto p = std::make_unique<Foo[]>(3);

https://godbolt.org/z/7xd8YM https://godbolt.org/z/7xd8YM

gcc logs (no address sanitizer): gcc 日志(无地址清理程序):

int main() std::make_unique<Foo>
static void* Foo::operator new(size_t, std::align_val_t) p=[0x21d6ec0] s=[32] a=[32]
static void Foo::operator delete(void*, size_t, std::align_val_t) p=[0x21d6ec0] s=[32] a=[32]
int main() std::make_unique<Foo[]>
static void* Foo::operator new [](size_t, std::align_val_t) p=[0x21d6f40] s=[96] a=[32]
static void Foo::operator delete [](void*, size_t, std::align_val_t) p=[0x21d6f40] s=[3616] a=[32]

Note that s value for Foo[] doesn't match for new[] and delete[] operations.请注意, Foo[] s值与new[]delete[]操作不匹配。

Address sanitizer reports buffer overflow.地址清理程序报告缓冲区溢出。

clang is fine clang 没问题


Its there a way to fix this problem?它有办法解决这个问题吗? For example add some compiler flag (there is see edit section below).例如添加一些编译器标志(参见下面的编辑部分)。

Is this a known issue?这是一个已知的问题? I do not know how to find respective bug report for that (IMO it is gcc bug).我不知道如何找到相应的错误报告(IMO 它是 gcc 错误)。


Ok I have a workaround.好的,我有一个解决方法。 Adding explicit destructor ~Foo() {} fixes this issue: https://godbolt.org/z/WoM91Y (use of ~Foo() = default; doesn't fix it).添加显式析构函数~Foo() {}解决了这个问题: https://godbolt.org/z/WoM91Y (使用~Foo() = default;没有解决它)。

Interestingly enough, adding default non-inline destructor ( Foo::~Foo()=default; ) fixes the problem too.有趣的是,添加默认的非内联析构函数( Foo::~Foo()=default; )也解决了这个问题。

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