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SetInterval 每次在 React Js 中显示默认 State 值

[英]SetInterval Showing default State value every time in React Js

CurrentIndex is showing 0 every time I want to run it to custom duration or dynamic array length每次我想将 CurrentIndex 运行到自定义持续时间或动态数组长度时,它都显示 0

    Const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(1);

    useEffect(() => {
    setInterval(() => {
      if (currentIndex >= 5) {
      console.log('Current Index', currentIndex);
    }, 3000);
  }, []);

React state is async so it take some time delay for update. React state 是异步的,因此更新需要一些时间延迟。 so use separate useEffect hook for listen index所以使用单独的useEffect钩子来监听索引

Const[currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(1);

useEffect(() => {
  if (currentIndex >= 5) {
  console.log('Current Index', currentIndex);
}, [currentIndex])

useEffect(() => {
  setInterval(() => {
  }, 3000);
}, []);

You can do it like that你可以这样做

 var [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(1); useEffect(() => { setInterval(() => { setCurrentIndex(5); if (currentIndex >= 5) { setCurrentIndex(0); } console.log("Current Index", currentIndex); }, 3000); }, [currentIndex]);

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