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Wordpress 中的多个后置循环

[英]Multiple post loops in Wordpress

I've built a site for a health practitioner with CPT of: (single-injuries.php, single-services.php, single-testimonials.php, single-partners.php)我已经为 CPT 的健康从业者建立了一个网站:(single-injuries.php,single-services.php,single-testimonials.ZE1BFD762321E4096334AC0B6E8419single-partners.php)

and I have the appropriate (archive-injuries.php, archive-services, archive-testimonials, archive-partners) created with loops to display the relevant posts.我用循环创建了适当的(archive-injuries.php,archive-services,archive-testimonials,archive-partners)来显示相关帖子。

HOWEVER I now want to create a sitemap page that pulls ALL THE POSTS from ALL ARCHIVES and just displays the PAGE NAME and URL for each...但是我现在想创建一个站点地图页面,该页面从所有存档中提取所有帖子,并且只显示每个页面的页面名称和 URL...

How do I loop through multiple archives, do I nest a loop for each within a loop?如何循环遍历多个档案,是否在循环中为每个档案嵌套一个循环?

I suggest you should do this using database, or what archives mean at your post?我建议您应该使用数据库来执行此操作,或者存档在您的帖子中意味着什么? If you are using database just make a query that will select all from different tables, like this如果您使用的是数据库,只需查询 select 都来自不同的表,就像这样

SELECT archive-injuries.*, archive-services.*, archive-testimonials.*, archive-partners.* FROM your data base

Then make a while loop that will display posts, while mysqli_fetch_assoc have some data然后做一个while循环来显示帖子,而mysqli_fetch_assoc有一些数据

You can use a custom query that queries all of your CPTs which you listed (put them into the post_type array), similar to this (which lists all post titles found, each linked to its full post):您可以使用自定义查询来查询您列出的所有 CPT(将它们放入post_type数组),类似于此(列出找到的所有帖子标题,每个都链接到其完整帖子):

$args = array(
    'post_type' => array('injuries', 'services', 'testimonials', 'partners' ),
    'post_status' => 'publish',
 $loop1 = new WP_Query($args);
if ( $loop1->have_posts() ) : while ( $loop1->have_posts() ) : $loop1->the_post(); 
    $post_title = get_the_title();
    <p><a href='<?php echo get_the_permalink(); ?>'><?php echo post_title; ?></a></p>
<?php endwhile;  else: ?>
   <p>Nothing found</p>
<?php endif; ?>

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