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[英]How to amend last 2nd commit or specific commit only

In my current branch, I've 2 commits which are not pushed yet.在我当前的分支中,我有 2 个尚未推送的提交。

 commit 2 - recent commit
 commit 1

I've few code changes & want to amend only to commit 1 without deleting commit 2. Can someone please help me?我的代码更改很少,只想修改提交 1 而不会删除提交 2。有人可以帮我吗?

git rebase --interactive helps you. git rebase --interactive可以帮助你。

First, stash your uncommitted changes for later use ( git stash ).首先,存储您未提交的更改以供以后使用( git stash )。 Your working directory should be clean now.您的工作目录现在应该是干净的。 Run git rebase -i HEAD~3 and your editor will pop up with the following content:运行git rebase -i HEAD~3你的编辑器会弹出如下内容:

pick  aaaaaaa
pick  bbbbbbb
pick  ccccccc

In the above example, bbbbbbb should be your "commit 1" and ccccccc should be your "commit 2".在上面的例子中, bbbbbbb应该是你的“commit 1”,而ccccccc应该是你的“commit 2”。 Change pick into edit for bbbbbbb and exit the editor.将选择更改为pickedit bbbbbbb退出编辑器。 You can then git stash pop the changes onto the working tree, which should be at commit 1 now.然后你可以git stash pop到工作树上,现在应该在提交 1 处。 Amend commit 1 with git commit --amend and continue the rebase with git rebase --confinue .使用git commit --amend修改提交 1 并使用git rebase --confinue继续 rebase。 Assume conflicts are handled, you should now land on a new HEAD with a modified commit 1' and an identical commit 2'.假设已处理冲突,您现在应该使用修改过的提交 1' 和相同的提交 2' 登陆一个新的 HEAD。

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