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从 bacpac 创建新的 SQL Azure 数据库时出现错误“存储 URI 无效”

[英]Error “The storage URI is not valid” when creating a new SQL Azure database from a bacpac

I'm trying to create a new SQL Azure database from a bacpac file I exported locally and uploaded as a BLOB to a storage account container.我正在尝试从本地导出并作为 BLOB 上传到存储帐户容器的 bacpac 文件创建新的 SQL Azure 数据库。

When I choose Import Database on the SQL server and choose to use the uploaded bacpac as the source for the import, the import fails with the error "The storage URI is not valid".当我在 SQL 服务器上选择导入数据库并选择使用上传的 bacpac 作为导入源时,导入失败并出现错误“存储 URI 无效”。

What's wrong?怎么了?

The error is a little cryptic but this can happen if the name of your bacpac file has a space in it.该错误有点神秘,但如果您的 bacpac 文件的名称中有空格,则可能会发生这种情况。

My bacpac was called something like "20200122 Database.bacpac" and the space in the name caused the URI to the blob to be deemed invalid.我的 bacpac 被称为“20200122 Database.bacpac”,名称中的空格导致 blob 的 URI 被视为无效。

Removing the space fixed the issue.删除空间解决了这个问题。

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