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如何使 pg_search 更快?

[英]How can I make pg_search faster?

I'm trying to implement pg_search in my rails application.我正在尝试在我的 rails 应用程序中实现 pg_search。 I've got it working but searches are very slow, over 20 seconds.我已经让它工作了,但搜索速度很慢,超过 20 秒。 I have over 7 million records in my addresses table.我的addresses表中有超过 700 万条记录。 Are there ways I can make it faster?有什么方法可以让它更快吗?


class Address < ApplicationRecord
  include PgSearch::Model
  pg_search_scope :search_for, against: %i[address_line_1 address_line_2], using: %i[tsearch trigram]


I've added this index but it still seems to be just as slow我已经添加了这个索引,但它似乎仍然一样慢

class IndexAddressesOnAddressLine1 < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
  # An index can be created concurrently only outside of a transaction.

  def up
    execute <<~SQL
CREATE INDEX pg_search_addresses_on_fields ON addresses USING gin(coalesce(address_line_1, address_line_2, ''::text) gin_trgm_ops)

  def down
    execute <<~SQL
DELETE INDEX pg_search_addresses_on_fields
  • Have you profiling the search feature?您是否分析了搜索功能?
  • Is this 20 seconds the time it takes to query the database or include rendering the results in the application?这 20 秒是查询数据库或在应用程序中呈现结果所需的时间吗?

By default, pg_search uses a threshold of 0.3 for trigram searches.默认情况下, pg_search使用 0.3 的阈值进行三元搜索。 Higher numbers match more strictly and thus return fewer results.数字越大匹配越严格,因此返回的结果越少。 Lower numbers match more permissively, letting in more results.较低的数字更容易匹配,从而获得更多结果。

pg_search_scope :search_for, 
  against: %i[address_line_1 address_line_2], 
  using: {
    tsearch: { dictionary: 'english' },
    trigram: { threshold: 0.5 } # increase the threshold

I'm not sure but maybe you need to reindex your model:我不确定,但也许你需要重新索引你的 model:

rake pg_search:multisearch:rebuild[Address]

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